Chapter 18: Branching out on the skill tree

Ever since the spring tournament Tokyo preliminaries, Nekoma had been working on improving. Sure they had a place and had beaten Fukurodani, but they had also lost to Itachiyama, in order to be prepared to come up against any team and win, they needed to make some last minute improvements. Hinata's life had become even more dedicated to volleyball since he started getting help from Sakusa as well. Plus Akaashi had started to focus on teaching Hinata more about tossing and Hinata's setting skills were coming along, "Okie dokie Sakusa-senpai, I'll bare that in mind," Hinata said as he finished a session with Sakusa, "See you next week,"

"I won't be free next week," Sakusa replied.

"Really? Why not?"

"I have the All Inclusive Camp,"

"Whoa! Like the best of the best camp?"


"Wow! Can I come?"

"Were you invited?"

"I don't think so,"

"Then no,"

"I could sneak in!"

"I'm pretty sure that that's illegal,"

"And I'm pretty sure that it's not," Sakusa searched it up.

"It is illegal,"


"I'll see you at nationals,"

"Yeah! And if Nekoma go up against you again, then we'll beat you!"

"No you won't,"

"Yes we will!"

"Still I can't believe that I didn't get invited!" Hinata was in the middle of the process of complaining to Kozume about how he wasn't invited to the All Inclusive Camp, "Did they not see me play?"

"I don't know, maybe talk to Hisagawa about this. He's probably been on it," Kozume replied.

"Hey Kanda!" Hinata approached Kanda in the next session of extra classes.

"Oh hey Hinata, how's preparations for nationals coming along?" Kanda replied.

"Good...ish. I didn't get invited on the All Inclusive Camp!"

"Hinata, that's near impossible to get on. There was this guy from three four years ago who would go to the classes, and he was one of the best setters in Tokyo and he was good, but he didn't get invited. So just accept it I guess,"

"But still!"

"Speaking of classes, don't you want to go down an age category so you can actually participate in them?"


"Surely getting practise will be better than watching and helping coach Nishimura out?"

"Well, I learn lots from watching,"

"You sure?"


"Coach Nishimura!"

"What's the matter Kanda?" coach Nsihimura asked.

"Do you think that Hinata should start participating in classes for his age category?"

"Well it would be some extra playing, which is always good. You're only going to get better at read blocking the more you practise it, and there's no better way to practise it than in match play situations,"

"But I enjoy watching the sessions!" Hinata protested.

"Hey coach, is Hinata finally off of injury?" one of the players asked, "Can he finally play with us?"

"Hinata is a first year high school student, not a college student," coach Nishimura explained, "He came to me as a complete rookie and I told him that he would learn the basics through his school team and that it wouldn't be worth him paying for extra classes. He's been watching here in order to improve his game sense by watching you lot play,"

"A high schooler?" another asked.

"But if he can physically play, then he can play right?" the first person asked.

"But he would struggle," another pointed out.

"No he wouldn't," Kanda said, "He's a good player,"

"One match coach," some of the members pleeded.

"One match, good luck Hinata," coach Nishimura agreed. After some warm ups the practise match began. Hinata immediately thrived off of the match play and enjoyed getting the chance to block all sorts of good players.

"Talk about reflexes," one of them said, "Oi Hinata, can you do that but spike?"

"Yeah! I love spiking!" Hinata's face lit up. Soon the setter tossed a fast quick for Hinata who ran quickly and slammed the ball down, everyone in the room staring at him in shock, "What? I got past all of Itachiyama's defence with that,"

"You don't go to Itachiyama?" one of the asked, "But you're crazy good,"

"Better than me," another added.

"I'm not that good," Hinata admitted, "Compared to everyone else on my team I'm really far behind, which is why I need to catch up with them. I want to be more than a fast quick. Which is why I need to work harder. Besides, even if I was invited to play on Itachiyama, I want to play on Nekoma because they're Karasuno's rivals and Karasuno is the school of the Little Giant,"

"How good is your team?" someone asked, "You must be their ace,"

"Well we came second in the Tokyo prelims. But I only just made it as a regular. I'm still a total rookie when it comes to receiving," The match was hard and tiring for Hinata, but he was up against college level players.

Hisagawa entered the gym midway through the match, "Jeez, he's holding his ground even when he's up against college players," Hisagawa commented to coach Nishimura, "I fear the teams he goes up against in nationals,"

"They'll have something coming their way," coach Nishimura laughed.

"Has the Little Jumper told you how much other extra practise he does?"


"Fukurodani's setter is helping him with basic skills as well as teaching him how to set, and he's got Sakusa Kiyoomi to teach him some of his spiking techniques. I can't wait until he joins the DESSEO Hornets,"

"He certainly has improved, and this has been about three quarters of a year, he's only going to get better,"


"Coach! Can Hinata play with us again?" one of them asked, "Like skip boys two, put him in boys one!"

"He's so good! I could learn a thing or two from him at times," another said.

"Hinata," coach Nishimura said, "Welcome to your new class,"

"Wait, I'm not watching anymore?" Hinata asked, surprised by the developments, "So I need to pay full price now,"


"Thanks coach Nishimura!"

"Kuroo! Kenma! Haiba!" Hinata called out to them the next day at practise, "Guess what?"

"What?" Kozume asked.

"Aliens are invading Earth?" Haiba asked.

"You kidnapped Bokuto and Sakusa?" Kuroo asked.

"I'm getting to actually participate in the COLLEGE level extra classes!" Hinata exclaimed, "This totally beats the All Inclusive Camp! I'm going to be a better ace than Bokuto-senpai and Sakusa-senpai!"

"That's great Chibi-chan," Kuroo ruffled Hinata's hair, "But don't go overworking yourself,"

"I won't Kuroo-senpai!" Hinata smiled, "But I know that I'm gonna be super good by the end of the year!"

With him now participating in the extra classes, Hinata began to learn more about how to position himself on the court, and the other members of the class were more than happy to help him out. Finally Hinata felt that his receiving was good enough to stand a chance on the court, and Kanda had taught Hinata how to properly to diving receives. On top of all of that, with Sakusa and Hisagawa's help Hinata had almost mastered the narrow shot. Hinata was feeling confident and ready for nationals. He was sure that he could win it along with the rest of Nekoma.