287: Azure Water Dragon

The two-roar-level demon beasts were two muscular humanoid creatures. Yes, they look like humans. To be exact, akin to a humongous exaggeratedly human bodybuilder that took SARMS, Tren, PEDS, and TRT at ten thousand doses in one cycle.

'They look like hulk...' This is Caleb's evaluation as he studied the two muscular roar-level monsters.

Protruding muscles of all muscle groups. Visible veins, and almost 5% body fat whilst still being ten meters huge. The two monsters' muscle screams power and explosiveness.

The two abominations ran side by side. Throwing anything, including Sprout-level demon beasts that gets in their way.

At this moment, Professor Zhuge and Commander Zenith nodded at each other before flying to the air and charging towards the two-roar-level demon beasts.

"Whoaaa they're flying! Look!"

A student shouted in awe.