Ch:18 Provocations

Thalia was having a bad day. First, she and Orion shot at some random people who they thought were after them, but it turns out they weren't. Second, the same people turned out to be a part of a terrorist organization and were about to raid the same place they were, now she was running around said place with a psychopathic murder fox and the leader of the terrorist organization, to put it lightly Thalia was well out of her element.

Thalia let out a loud "eep!" As a severed hand flew past her face courtesy of Maru who was rolling around laughing, which now that she thought of it probably wasn't a very good idea considering the floor was covered in blood, though it probably didn't matter too much considering that most of her clothes were red and covered in blood already.

Sienna just sighed for the umpteenth time that day, she very quickly looked like she was either gonna bash her own head against a wall or Maru's, Sienna put her hands against her temples and let out a second huge sigh. "Maru, stop teasing the poor girl."

Maru started whining. "But Siennnnna! Her reactions are almost as good as Nyx's!" At this she mimicked Thalia's earlier. "Eep." Sound causing her to laugh even more.

Sienna seemed to give up at this and decided to just grab Maru's ankle to start dragging her, Maru didn't seem to care as she grabbed another hand and lobbed it towards Thalia, which caused her to laugh even louder

Sienna was mumbling under her breath. "Stupid fucking fox this is supposed to be stealth mission and arnt foxes supposed to be sly and sneaky."

Thalia cautiously walked behind the two watching out for anything that Maru might try to pull.


'I swear to the brother gods if this is another dead end.' Was Thalia's only thoughts as she turned a corner only to be met with another dead end, she deadpanned before yelling within her mind. 'This place is a god damned labyrinth!' Thalia right now was feeling highly frustrated and the two that she was traveling with didn't help.

Maru whistled from her place on the ground being dragged by Sienna. "This is one hell of a view you're giving me, Sienna." She started chuckling.

Sienna just sped up then took a corner sharply causing Maru to be bashed against the edge of the wall. "The fuck that was a complement!" Sienna did not show any outward reaction to that; she sped up again and sharply went around another corner, Maru grabbed her side in pain before struggling to say, "I…will ... .have…my revenge."

Maru soon recovered and started walking on her own all whilst glaring at Sienna, she didn't pay Maru any mind though it didn't stop her from glaring.

After walking down a few more corridors the three came to a long corridor that looked like any other, Thalia was about to reach her breaking point the constant white, grays and silver was finally getting to her. "Damnit! Why can't we find anything in this god forsaken place!" As soon as she said this all the lights shut off causing her to jump.

Maru chuckled at her reaction. "I guess Virdis did his job."

Sienna nodded. "He does fine work, unlike someone I know."

Maru settled a glare at her, Thalia wasn't paying any attention to the two due to seeing movement further down the corridor. "Um guys?" When she got the two's attention she pointed behind them.

Coming out of a door on the side of the corridor was a large group of people being led by an older looking woman.

Upon seeing the older woman an inhuman grin formed on Maru's face, she started to pull out her sword and a vial of something that was glowing a faint yellow.

She opened the cap at the end of the hilt, she pushed the vial inside before closing it, instantly her sword started to spark with yellow light.

She turned towards the two behind her. "Let's put on a little show shall we?"

Maru started to slowly walk forward lifting her sword so that it could illuminate her face, the grin on her face terrified Thalia, it only grew as the people down the hall recognised her.

Maru spoke three bone chilling words walking down the corridor. "I found you~."

There were a few moments of nothing after those words left Maru's mouth, before the entire corridor was plunged to freezing temperatures.

The older woman at the forefront of the group visibly seethed with rage at their unexpected visitors. "Arktis!"

Maru's grin grew wider due to the woman's outburst. "Why hello to you too Aurora , it has been far too long, it's been ten or eleven years, surely you like the little present I sent you a year or two back."

The usually composed woman was shaking with anger as the entire corridor's temperature dropped again causing many of the executives to start shaking due to the cold. "I'm going to fucking kill you! You damned fox!"

Maru started wagging a finger and making a. "Tsk." sound. "I'm sorry but that option is currently unavailable. Anything else I can help you with?"

Aurora's rage continuing to rise, Thalia turned to the highly unamused Sienna and leaned over to whisper. "Should she be provoking her like that? Because from where I'm standing it doesn't seem like a very good idea."

Sienna responded by slapping a hand to her face and shaking her head. "She'll be fine, if she doesn't get this out of her system now she'll end up doing it in the middle of battle."

Thalia was dumbfounded at that answer but just turned back around to pay attention to whatever Maru was saying.

"Once I get my hands on you, you damned fox your dead!" Aurora yelled, fully enraged at Maru's provocation.

Maru's grin somehow managed to deepen and with a provoking middle finger towards Aurora Maru yelled. "Come at me then you damned ice queen."

Without any further warning Aurora dashed towards Maru's group paying her full attention to Maru.

Maru's grin turned sly and before anyone noticed she had her gun in her hand and a bullet was flying past Aurora's face, a few moments later and another small bang went off behind her.

All eyes turned to look at the rotund figure of the now dead Craven, his head was a mangled mess of blood, bone and gray matter. "Haha, these explosive rounds are better than I thought they would be, thank you Virdis for thinking of that." Maru then grinned more. "Sorry Aurora but I've always liked saving the best for last."

Maru got ready in a running position, her crackling sword off set in a ready position, she then turned to her boss and Thalia. "You two keep her off me whilst I have my fun." She grinned then vanished from where she stood.

A/N sorry that the last few chapters have been kinda iffy I've had a crap ton of exams in the last couple of weeks and they have been a right pain but im almost through so they should get better. As always if you have any suggestions or questions do ask and thanks for reading.
