Chapter Eighteen: Odakura and Yamashita meet the Twin's Idol

When Odakura and Yamashita are going to meet the Twins Idol and they want to see back Seika that he had floating yesterday while he got some power inside his body.

Odakura: Yamashita let go and meet the Twin Idol

Yamashita: okay let go then

Odakura: can we see Seika Senpai again with the Twin idol

Before the Sakurazaka46 idol member are to see them and finally they can see that Seika are with the twin idol but he was wearing different than them clothes.

Seika: shit why do they want to meet with you here?

Haruki: Major why did you know them

Karuki: wait...Major where are you going now?

Once Seika had to say Shazam to change back into the superhero suit when they are seeing that Seika are more muscular body than usual.

Seika: I'm sorry both of you can talk with them while I go to see someone else

Odakura: Seika senpai did you get mad at us

Yamashita: we are sorry for doing with your body

Seika didn't hear them but just leave the Twin idol company building he had returned to see Shiori and Nagi back at the Nogizaka studio and went to see Seika had so damn looking great body shape.

Seika: Shazam!*change*

Kaki: Seika senpai did something happens at the twin idol company building

Nagi: Seika senpai why did they have to say to you

Seika had just go and to see Shiori and while he was looking for Kubo and Haruki Karuki went to the Nogizaka studio to meet the MC.

Odakura: that Seika Senpai?

Yamashita: yes and why did he was doing here at the Nogizaka studio he is going inside to the dressing room

Haruki: oh you don't know that Kubo Shiori is Seika's brother

Both of them are having an idol shocked by their face while Seika is with Kubo and he has seen them who was here to see the MC of the Nogizaka46.

Seika: Shiori please hide me behind that please I don't want them to see me

Kubo: who are you talking about here?

Nagi: I think that what they are doing here is all their fault that Seika Senpai are have some power right?

Kubo Shiori went to see her brother and he had to nod his head toward his sister Kubo was have his floating in the air where that have too much light and Odakura with Yamashita are asking him don't go out yet.

Seika: Nagi...let go are were first date shall we *hero carry*

Nagi: woah...senpai you look so good without or with your hero suit

Seika: thanks Nagi later Shiori

Kubo Shiori nods at her brother while Haruki and Karuki bring him over to her and they can see that we have the Sakurazaka46 idol member of the 3rd gen member who is seeing Seika along with the twin idol.

Kubo: so both of you are meeting with the twin idol or my brother

Odakura: maybe both of them I don't know right now

Yamashita: we are meet the twin idol but at the end, we saw that Seika are both Manager Staff

Once Seika is carrying Nagi around her hips are and they can see the beautiful view later Nagi takes her second move to kiss Seika's lips while he had a bit of blush on his face.

Nagi: senpai look at your face and you blush went I kiss you

Seika: shut up...don't look at me like that Nagi

Nagi: okay fine but should we go back and have some explanation for me

Seika had flown away from the clouds back to the Nogizaka studio and he had landed on the floor while Odakura and Yamashita are seeing that Seika are having the only brother that Kubo could happen in the middle of nowhere else.

Seika: can each of you explain to Nagi what did happen to me

Odakura: I can't explain to you but Yamashita can explain to you what is going on here

Yamashita: yes I can explain what did happen to you

Flashback back to the Sakura studio there have out of nowhere there have someone who had cast a spell on one of the Sakurazaka46 idol members and they had hypnotised by some dark magic power into Odakura Reina and Yamashita went to kill Seika because he was killing something is was mine.

Odakura: Seika senpai that was why did happen between us that we don't know who are they

Yamashita: but they want to get you killed but you use something that unlocks some true god hero power inside of you

Seika: that means I can face the member in no time

Tamura Mayu and Hayashi Runa are here to see the Sakurazaka46 idol member was here to see Seika or Haruki and Karuki in the living room where we all in the living room.

Hayashi: Seika can you not have any chest pain

Mayu: Seika are you fine now?

Seika: maybe I think so and I can now feel better with this power on me

Later Mayu and Runa are running toward Seika and they jump-hugging him while Kubo was let go by each other from Seika.

Kubo: okay get off my brother both of you

Hayashi: I'm sorry I got too excited

Mayu: yes me too I'm sorry

Seika stood up and dust his clothes while Nagi are showing them that they are the true hero and non-hero couple to the Sakurazaka46 idol member that to kiss right in front of Odakura and Yamashita with a kiss.

Nagi: Seika senpai you can show them the true meaning of love

Seika: Ichinose can you close Aya-chan eye while we kiss each other

Ichinose: of course Seika

In the meantime, Seika grabbed Nagi's chin and he going to kiss her lips while Ichinose was closing her eye Ogawa was half seeing that Nagi are kissing Seika's lips while she are liking them to have a date with him as the new couple.