Chapter Twenty-Nine: Kojima & Seika and their twin idol went on a special mission

Right after Kojima had gone on the special mission with Seika and Haruki Karuki we're going inside the van while Seika are driving the van and his sister are not follow them just only Kojima follow them.

Seika: Shiori I will be right back and take care of Nagi while I was away for a special mission

Kubo: sure of course oniichan I will inform her

Seika: I will see you just like in 2 minutes

Before they are going on a special mission with Karuki and Haruki who had some good stories to tell Kojima once we had reached the destination.

Seika: hey...two you can you tell Kojima about the special mission is about while I drive the place

Karuki: sure of course we will but can you speed up because we have someone is tracking us

Haruki: who is that person is tracking down on us

While Seika was changed from the normal van into a racer van a sports van like a drifter van that can super speed driving a van with three people inside the van.

Seika: Kojima please hang in on with something I want to drift side on the right side of the road

Kojima: okay notice senpai

Karuki: Major what should we know they are catching on to us that quickly

Seika was giving Karuki and Haruki to keep shooting at them while Kojima are seating next to Seika while he was driving like crazy drifting on the side of the road.

Kojima: senpai are you okay?

Seika: don't worry about me just focus on the road for me while you saw something just point them while Haruki and Karuki will shoot them

Kojima: copy that senpai

Back at the Hinata studio, there have Haruyo and Kuromi with Kubo and Nagi watching a movie on the twin idol full home system that he had built only just for them to have fun with another member.

Nagi: did senpai say something about coming back from their special mission

Kubo: yes oniichan tell me to let you know that he will be here about 2 minutes times

Haruyo: just two minutes only

Kubo Shiori just nod at both of them while they are continuing watching and back to the road of crazy drifting when Haruki and Karuki were shooting at their tires so that they will over flip their car or van.

Seika: they won't quit are they

Haruki: nope that won't quit but you should hit them as hard as you can

Seika: Kojima please go with Haruki and Karuki's side

Later Kojima was going back to the seat next to Haruki and Karuki while Seika are screaming at them while he was hit pretty hard until they are flying over to the window and same as Seika had out from the van door.

Seika: damn you why did you follow us, huh?

Haruki: Major are you okay?

Seika: I'm fine just broke some arm or shoulder that all

Out of the blue, Seika walked over to them and let Kojima shoot them on their forehead Seika went back to the NIS car and went back to see Shiori and Nagi at the Hinata studio.

Seika: Shiori I'm back and please take me some first aid kit for me

Kubo: oniichan what did happen to you?

Nagi: senpai did you crash your van same as Kojima along with you

Seika shake his head while Kubo was taking some first aid kit and she was cleaning some blood and bandaging his arm shoulder tight while Nagi are resting on Seika's left arm shoulder on the sofa.