Chapter 1365: The Maid's Challenge ④

At any rate, the battle (?) between Beatrice and Nebula probably hasn't really turned into an actual battle, but the story of determining competence seemed to have been won by Nebula..

Although there were some unfamiliar Maid-related exchanges, the matter is now settled for the moment...

[Thank you very much, Master. Thanks to Master, I remembered what was important before the Maid Olympia.]

[I'm glad you found my advice helpful.]

There, I heard something I didn't want to hear. The Maid Olympia, the Festival of Maids... From the way she said it, it sounded like that event was about to take place...

I have a bad feeling about this, so I didn't really want to know if it was possible...

Just as I was thinking that, Beatrice-san turned to Luna-san and spoke.

[Come to think of it, this would be the first time Lunamaria would participate, right?]

[Yes. My Maid Power had not yet reached the standard 4 years ago, so this would be the first time I'm finally able to participate.]

[I see... It's amazing how much you can improve as a maid within 4 years. However, the Maid Olympia isn't an event you can easily win. Please participate thinking that everyone around you surpasses you.]

[Yes! However, I can't show my ineptitude in front of "Milady, who will be coming to cheer me on", so I intend to do my very best.]

Luna-san responds strongly to Beatrice-san's words, but I wonder if saying that is alright though? I mean, Lilia-san looked as if that was the first time she heard what you just said...

[...Ummm, Luna? That's the first time about that, errr, Maid Olympia though? Is there such a competition?]

[Yes, the Maid Olympia, held once every 4 years, is a festival for maids, by maids. I can finally participate in it for the first time this year.]

[I- I see... Good for you but... Errr, what did you mean I'm cheering for you?]

In response to Luna-san, who vigorously nodded her head, Lilia-san had a bewildered expression on her face, clearly showing that she couldn't keep up with all the Maid-related conversation.

I understand her feelings very well, and in fact, I myself couldn't keep up with what was going on very well. Also, I feel like I stay here like this, I'm likely gonna get caught up too, so if it's possible, I'd like to go home now... but it seemed like I had missed that timing when I could leave.

[...Eh? I thought Lili, my best friend, would be there to support me on my big day... Am I mistaken?]

[...I'll be there.]

[As expected of Milady, I'm happy to have a master who knows what's up.]

And there, I witnessed Lilia-san's weakness. No, well, due to Lilia-san's personality, it seems that when she gets told like that, she can't even refuse... No, can you please not look at me like you're asking for my help? I don't really want to be a part of that if I can help it.

I feel like if I get involved in the Maid World any further, their craziness would erode my brain as well...

[Ahh, speaking of which, as for Miyama-sama, I heard that President Ein is planning to invite you as a special guest.]

[...That's the first time I heard that though. Also, I'd like it if you really excuse me from that...]

[As for how you'll be treated, wouldn't he be a Special Judge or something along those lines?]


Ahh, that's really bad. I really don't want to have a role like that. I mean, I'm completely clueless about Maids... No, even if I did understand normal maids, I don't think I could keep up with this world's concept of Maids.

However, even when I thought earlier that Lilia-san was vulnerable to being requested by others... I'm also as weak as her in most cases. If Ein-san really makes a serious request, there's a high chance that I won't be able to refuse and will end up accepting it.

I wonder if there was a way to avoid that somehow... but then, I heard the devil's whispers being spoken out of Luna-san's lips.

[Ahh, but if you have already decided to watch the game as part of the audience, I don't think President Ein will force you to do that though.]


Assuming that I can't turn down Ein-san's request, I have two options before me. I would either be a Special Judge under the pressure of Ein-san's request, or participate in the Maid Olympia myself only as an audience...

Unfortunately, it seems like simply not going isn't an option. After all, if Ein-san gets visibly sad after my refusal... Ahh, this is impossible. I can't refuse her.

[...I suppose so. I feel sorry for refusing Ein-san, but I also want to support Luna-san's first participation, so I guess I'll have to refuse to be a judge...]

[Oya, for even Miyama-sama to be supporting me, this unworthy Lunamaria couldn't help tearing up in gratitude. I really have no choice but to do my very best then.]

It can't be helped. It can't be helped... It's far better to watch as an audience than to make an appearance as a Special Judge.

As my shoulders drooped down while I convinced myself like that, Lilia-san went to my side and patted my shoulder.

[...Kaito-san, just give up. Let's go there together.]

[...To be honest, the only saving grace of this event is that Lilia-san would be there with me.]

[I feel the same way.]

What's really fortunate is that Lilia-san, who isn't tainted by the Maid Logic, would be there with me, so this will help me feel a little less left behind... or so... I'd like to hope. That happening would be nice.



Serious-senpai : [Ahh, that Maid's Challenge title refers to this huh... It was an unexpected start for the Maid Olympia Arc huh...]