"Right, let's check your bank and see if it has been finalised." Marcus sits next to her, handing her a laptop.
"We don't have time Marcus; we are meant to be going somewhere, remember?" Jace looks at him.
"And she will be coming, let us check first." Marcus sits watching as she logs into her bank, there it is. Avalyn hands him the paper, he now has the login for the bank, just like they agreed.
"We will separate it as we arranged, but Jace is right, we have a job to do." Avalyn nods, his head shaking.
"Not in those heels, here throw these on." He throws her a pair of trainers.
"Now you're just giving her shit we use to make money?" Jace stares at him.
"We don't need to, the money we have got from Cain, and today's job will be more than enough." Avalyn puts on the trainers standing up. Marcus's head is shaking.
"Coat off as well, put this one on, someone will recognise it, also tie your hair up and put this on." He hands her more stuff standing she gets changed.