16:- Bladwin

In the aftermath of the intense battle between Mikazuki in the Gundam Barbatos and the Gjallarhorn Graze, a week had passed, and life at the newly formed Tekkaden was slowly returning to normal. The resounding victory had bolstered the spirits of the child soldiers of Tekkaden, and they were now more determined than ever to improve their skills and become a formidable force.

The training grounds were bustling with activity as members of the Tekkaden, under Orga's leadership, continued to hone their combat abilities. Mikazuki, as the pilot of the Gundam Barbatos, had become a symbol of strength and inspiration for his comrades. His dedication and prowess in the mobile suit served as a constant reminder of what they could achieve with hard work and determination.



"Hello." said Ichiro as he entered the secret room in the ground floor of the Tekkaden Building. He closed the door and sat on a chair near the bed, where Crank the enemy was laying.

"So what name have you decided ?" asked Ichiro his tone clam.

"Baldwin." said Crank as he woke up and sat on his bed staring at Ichiro. Baldwin had scar's all over his face and and he didn't had a left arm. "Okay." said Ichiro. "I have a gift for you." said Ichiro and took out a black helmet with the upper part black and the lower part white and handed it to Baldwin.

{A:N = It looks the same as the Vidar mask with color switch.}

Bladwin grabbed it, he stared at it. "So, this is my new identity as Baldwin." he said. "This is your new life Bladwin. You will stay here until your traces are erased which will not be easy." said Ichiro as he looked at Bladwin. "So the next thing, I need to get you is a prosthetic arm." said Ichiro.

"hmm" said Bladwin as he wore his helmet. " Can you walk?" asked Ichiro. "Yeah." said Bladwin and stood up from the bed and started walking. "Yes I can but it hurt's a bit " said Baldwin his voice lower than usual due to the helmet's voice changing effect.

"okay then get ready. Today Orga will decide the route's to go to Mar's" said Ichiro and gave him the clothes that he was going to wear. Ichiro stood up and was about to open the door. "Yeah and one more thing only me, Orga and Mika know's of your existence." said Ichiro.

"Yes my liege." said Bladwin bowing a bit. "What is this?" asked Ichiro. "These are the manner's which are learned by a Gjallahorn Knight. You are my savior you gave me a new life." said Bladwin as he bowed. "Yeah well whatever. Okay Bye." said Ichiro and went out of the room.

As Ichiro walked he couldn't stop a chuckle." ha, A savior.".



"First, we'll go to the low orbit station, and wait for the guide ship Then transfer to our ship in geosynchronous orbit and go Earth." said Biscuit . In the room Eugene, Todo, Kudelia, Fumitan, Ichiro, Orga and Bladwin were . "What is this guide ship?" asked Kudelia. Fumitan was seated beside Kudelia. She glanced at Bladwin who was standing behind Ichiro in a soldier stance. Ichiro was seated in front of Kudelia and Fumitan. Bladwin wore a Black cape with white fur at the neck area. It covered all of his body. he wore a black helmet .

"Usually the path to Earth is under the control of Gjallahorn. But because our cargo is you Miss Kudelia, and you're the Target, we need to take a back route which doesn't cross existing paths. But it's a complex route and we've never traveled to Earth."

"And these back routes are divided into territories of civillian businesses." said Orga.

"The Best Guide will be the safe and sure Orcus Company. Ive known the CEO Orcus for a long time. I can contact him anytime." said Todo.

"You really going to trust this guy?" said Eugene pointing to Todo. "Eaxctly." said Ichiro. "How terrible. We're comrades. Comrades." Todo said looking at Eugene, Ichiro and Orga trying to justify himself.

"It's fine. He knows all too well what will happen if he screws up. Right Todo?" said Orga smiling. "As you say Boss." Todo said.

"Do you have a ship?" asked Fumitan. "Yes. At Hakofune we have the CGS ship "Will-O'-the-Wisp." said Biscuit. "Hakofune... That's the shared civilian port. Right?" asked Kudelia. "Yes " said Ichiro and continued "But there is a problem right? Biscuit ".

"In order to use this ship we have to make it officially Tekkaden's."said Biscuit. "I've left that up to Akihiro and Dexter." said Orga. "Mikazuki, Ichiro and Yukinojo and other's are servicing the Mobile Workers and Mobile Suits." said Biscuit and continued "The actual departure date depends upon the negotiation with Orcus. But we can't sit for too long." said Biscuit.

"This where it gets all real." said Orga. "It's the first job for Tekkaden..."



Ichiro and Baldwin were walking to the room of Baldwin. " Okay Baldwin there is no need for you to get out of your room for now, you can train if you want." said Ichiro .

"Okay... what do you think of their plan." asked Bladwin curious. " It's okay until everything goes according to the plan but if somehow we mess up. We can't even return back now because we have a big target on our back's." said Ichiro.

"Are you uncomfortable with the mask or anything." asked Ichiro. " No. It's okay." said Bladwin. "Okay." Ichiro nodded and they reached the room of Bladwin. "Who was that woman in blue dress?" asked Baldwin his voice a bit high than normal. Ichiro noticed this a said in a teasing tone. "It look's like someone fell in love." said Ichiro smiling at Bladwin. "No.. It is not that." said Bladwin as they entered the room.

"It's okay you can talk to her maybe go on a date. etc. Just don't show your face too soon, first know what kind of woman she is.." said Ichiro as he entered the room...


