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Chapter 15

He stared at Lin Lang's face in disbelief for a long time before tremblingly asking, "That day, you followed me, didn't you?!"

-----Main Text-----

A few barks echoed in the distance, and Fang Ji's expression subtly changed. He released old lady Wang, who slumped to the ground, trembling and hugging her knees. Fang Ji gazed at her for a while, then slowly approached, crouching down beside her. He gently stroked her shivering back, softened his tone, and said, "I'm sorry, Grandma. I misspoke. Lin Lang was taken away by wolves that day, but he survived, right? We should see the person or the body. Nothing is confirmed yet. Who can say for sure if something happened to him, right?"

Old lady Wang stared at his mouth, her tear-filled eyes filled with fear, as if afraid he might say something else unsettling.

Fang Ji's smile returned, and he continued, "Grandma, do you know that I didn't have much contact with Wang Quan, but when you were unconscious for several days, he was by your bedside day and night, taking care of you meticulously. That's why you recovered so quickly. Did you know about this?"

Old lady Wang's eyes finally showed a slight change. She widened her eyes and asked, "He... he took care of me all the time?"

"Yes, when you were in a critical condition. I thought you might not make it, but Wang Quan had red eyes from staying up all night. He refused to sleep, fearing that you might have seizures at night with no one by your side," Fang Ji looked at her bewildered face and said, "What's wrong? Didn't Village head Feng tell you this?"

Old lady Wang shook her head, her cheeks twitching slightly. She finally showed a hint of a smile. "Yes, yes! My Quan'er is very thoughtful! Dr. Fang, I... I didn't know!"

Fang Ji helped her to her feet, and in a gentle voice, he said, "Grandma, Quan'er cares about you the most. Let me help you back home. You should recover your health soon; otherwise, he'll worry about you again. What do you say?"

Old lady Wang  nodded vigorously. "Yes! Dr. Fang, I'll listen to you!"

"Grandma, don't worry. When I have time, I'll take you to see him," Fang Ji assured her, his eyes filled with a smile.

When old lady Wang returned home, it was already dusk. She sat alone on the cold bed, staring blankly at the square-shaped patch of sky through the window grille. Her gaze gradually lost focus. The sky darkened further, and a faint moonlight seeped through the clouds, casting her shadow on the peeling white wall behind her.

A tear welled up at the corner of her eye, and she wiped it away with the back of her hand, causing a tingling sensation. The cool wind blew through the window, carrying the night's chill into her. She shivered and pulled the quilt closer, covering herself.

Rustling... (sha)


Suddenly, a rustling sound emerged from somewhere. Her expression changed slightly as she followed the sound and looked outside. It was still pitch black outside, except for a few broken stems swaying in the wind, casting long shadows against the wall.

Since Wang Quan's disappearance, she found it increasingly difficult to fall asleep. As night fell, even the slightest movements seemed abrupt and she could hear them more distinctly. She often suspected that they were Wang Quan's footsteps. Her eyes would remain fixed on the door until the sound faded, and then she would lower her gaze, curl up her frail body, and sob into her knees.


Another sound emerged, growing clearer as it approached. It seemed to be footsteps, walking directly to her door and stopping. Her body trembled, and she suddenly looked up. The light seeping through the crack under the door revealed two shadowy figures.


It was Wang Quan's voice!

Her heart leapt, and she sprung off the bed, running a few steps to the door. She flung the door open and looked outside, but there was nothing there.

Her expression changed, and she stumbled outside to search. The night had merged the sky and earth into a single dark expanse. She felt like she was wandering in a boundless sea of darkness, uncertain where her next step would land. Holding on to the faint glimmer of hope in her heart, she clung to her frail body and walked on.

Suddenly, a figure flashed before her eyes. She halted her steps and looked up. Someone stood on a distant mountain peak, their clothes fluttering in the cold wind. Their body swayed with the wind, as if they might plummet down any second.

Old lady Wang was startled and screamed loudly. She dashed towards him, struggling up the rugged mountain path. Loose gravel and rocks scraped her face as they fell, and soon, her limbs felt as heavy as if they were made of lead. She leaned against the mountain wall, panting for a while. Her gaze swept over the pitch-black cliff below, as if it descended endlessly into hell. Her breath hitched, and she clenched her teeth, using all her strength to pound her stiff knees and propel her body upwards.

Her soles were worn through, and her heels throbbed in pain, but she paid no attention to it. She fixed her gaze on Wang Quan's figure as if her eyes alone could carry her forward.

Standing at the mountaintop, Wang Quan appeared to be around seven or eight years old. His clothes were covered in mud and dirt, and he huddled with his face buried in his knees. His body trembled uncontrollably.

"Quan'er!" Old lady Wang rushed over and pulled him into her embrace. She anxiously said, "You child! Why did you come here alone?! Do you want to worry me to death?!"

Wang Quan looked up in a daze, staring at his mother's face. He twitched his lips, and tears streamed down his face. "Dad! My dad hit me!"

Old lady Wang  noticed his swollen face and was taken aback. She reached out with a trembling hand and touched his forehead, finding it unbelievably hot.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, "Why is it so hot?! You have a fever, my child!"

Biting his lower lip, Wang Quan buried his face in her embrace, and intermittent sobs escaped from his throat. Seeing him like this, Old lady Wang's heart ached. She softened her voice and said, "Quan'er, don't cry! Come home with Mother. I'll make your favorite egg cake for you, alright?"

"I can't go back..." Wang Quan muttered, "I can't go back."

"What do you mean you can't go back?! Don't say such discouraging things!" Old lady Wang pulled his head up and urged, "Come with Mother!"

Wang Quan's gaze was vacant, his complexion ashen and lifeless. He murmured, "Mother, I can't go back."

"Stop saying that!" Old lady Wang couldn't bear it any longer. She grabbed his arm and lifted him up. "Come home with Mother!"

With a soft cracking sound, old lady Wang's grip loosened, and she hesitated for a moment. When she looked down, she couldn't help but let out a scream. Wang Quan's arm had been broken in her hands, and blood gushed from the broken end, revealing a section of stark white bone. Old lady Wang's legs gave way, and she collapsed to the ground, exclaiming, "Quan... Quan'er?!"

However, Wang Quan seemed oblivious, his eyes vacant as he stared at his mother's face. He said in a desolate voice, "I can't go back..."

As he spoke, blood also trickled from the corner of his mouth, staining half his body red. His whole body went limp, collapsing in her arms and becoming a pile of crimson flesh.

Old lady Wang instinctively wanted to hold him close, but her arms only met her own chest. There was no trace of him left. Her scalp tingled, and she stood there stunned for a while before finally screaming out in madness.

Another gust of wind blew, scattering her cries and tears. She buried her head until not a single tear could fall anymore. She staggered to her feet, step by step walking towards the mountaintop. Following the wind's guidance, she stepped into the darkness.


In the darkness, she heard that sound again. She suddenly opened her eyes, and moonlight poured onto the familiar furnishings. She was momentarily stunned. The boundary between dreams and reality seemed to crack open. She covered her chest, panting heavily. Her wildly beating heart finally calmed down. She took a long breath, and just at that moment, the sound echoed once more from outside the door.


Her heart raced as she followed the sound. The light halo beneath the door revealed two shadowy figures.

It was the scene she had seen in her dream. Old lady Wang trembled all over and screamed loudly. Just then, a deep voice came from outside.

"Old lady Wang, it's me."

She froze, and it took a while for her to regain her senses. She asked in shock, "How did you...?"

"Don't waste time talking, open the door!" The person's patience was wearing thin, and they slapped the door with a loud bang, causing the latch to clatter.

"Coming!" Old lady Wang quickly slipped on her shoes and hurriedly opened the door.

The person entered the room, their figure concealed in the shadows against the wall. They glanced at Old lady Wang's face and lowered their voice, saying, "What did that Doctor Fang say to you?"

"He... He said he would take me to the mountain to look for him another day," Old lady Wang rubbed her hands anxiously and said hesitantly, "Doctor Fang is a good-hearted person! Could you be mistaken..."

"When he said that, was there anyone else nearby?"

"No, I only talked to Doctor Fang after I left the house. Doctor Fang made sense. Maybe he was in a hurry when he left and didn't have a chance to tell me. Feng Bao Nan has no evidence to back his words. How can he just make things up? I won't talk to him anymore!"

The person sneered, "Think what you want. That's even more convenient. When he takes you to the mountain, tie a piece of red cloth to a branch in front of your door. That way, I'll be able to see it. Remember?"

Old lady Wang frowned and hesitated, not confirming or denying.

The person's expression turned serious. "Do as I say. If you really want to find your son, you better not be confused!"

Old lady Wang  shrank back and finally agreed. A sudden chill swept through, and the person disappeared into the darkness.

When Fang Ji returned, it was just turning dark. Lin Lang was adding oil to the lamp in the main room. Upon hearing Fang Ji enter, his hand trembled imperceptibly. A few drops of oil splattered, and he put down the oil jug, using a cloth to wipe the oil from the table. He didn't light the lamp and continued walking out without looking up.

"Lin Lang, wait a moment," Fang Ji grabbed him. "Look at this!"

With a swoosh, a kaleidoscope of colors flashed before Lin Lang's eyes. He looked down and saw the table piled with various candies. He couldn't help but be stunned.

"I bought these candies in town. Which one do you want? I'll peel it for you!"

Lin Lang was momentarily stunned, turned his face away, and said in a deep voice, "I don't want any."

"These milk candies are the best. I used to love eating them when I was a child," Fang Ji pulled his hand, unfolded the candy wrapper, and placed it in Lin Lang's palm. "Would you like to try one?"

Still not looking at Fang Ji, Lin Lang took a while before he said, "Give them to A Shui."

Fang Ji's expression froze for a moment, then he quickly put on a smile. "I've set aside candies for A Shui. The ones on the table are all for you."

Lin Lang's gaze darkened, and he placed the milk candy back on the table. "I don't want any."

"Well... How about I put them away for you? You can have them whenever you want, alright?"

Lin Lang didn't respond and turned to leave. Fang Ji hurriedly stopped him, looking up at his face. "... Lin Lang, why are you avoiding me?"

Lin Lang pursed his lips, trying to move past him. Fang Ji grabbed his wrist and said softly, "What have I done to upset you? You can tell me..."

"It's nothing. I'm going to make dinner for you," Lin Lang said, giving his wrist a forceful tug before turning to go. However, Fang Ji inhaled sharply, hunching over and clutching his arm, trembling uncontrollably.

Lin Lang came to an abrupt halt and quickly supported Fang Ji's arm. He exclaimed, "Did the wound reopen? Let me get the medicine!"

Saying that, he hurriedly retrieved the ointment Fang Ji had used before from his bag, unscrewed the cap, but in his haste, the cap slipped from his hand and clattered to the ground. Lin Lang didn't bother picking it up, gently pushed up Fang Ji's sleeve, and examined his arm. He frowned when he saw a pale scar and inspected Fang Ji's arm several times before asking, "The wound isn't reopened. Where does it hurt?"

With his head still lowered, Lin Lang looked at the table full of candies and suddenly said, "Since these candies were bought for A Shui, just give them to her directly. You don't need to use me as an excuse."

"You..." Fang Ji's heart skipped a beat, and his suspicions grew clearer. He stared at Lin Lang's face, his voice trembling as he finally said, "That day, did you follow me?"

The air went still for a moment. Lin Lang looked into Fang Ji's eyes and said, "Last winter, the person you met wanted to take A Shui away from the village and was driven out by the villagers. Just like him, you stayed here because you wanted to take A Shui away, right?"

Fang Ji's mind buzzed. He fell silent for a long while before tremblingly saying, "Did you... tell anyone else?"

Lin Lang took a step closer, locking his gaze onto Fang Ji's eyes. "If I did, would you leave?"

"Fang Ji, just calm down..." Fang Ji subconsciously stepped back, and Lin Lang's heart seemed to twist painfully. He suddenly grabbed Fang Ji's wrist and Fang Ji winced, feeling as though his wrist bones were about to shatter. He struggled, saying, "Lin Lang, let go! I..."

Lin Lang stared at Fang Ji's mouth, his voice trembling, "You're going to lie to me again, aren't you?"

Before he could say more, an arm suddenly reached out from the side and tightly gripped his throat. A Shui's voice sounded from behind him, "Let him go!"

Lin Lang let out a muffled groan and instinctively tried to break free, his arm grazing her swollen belly, and he froze in place. A Shui used the opportunity to pull him backward and shouted at Fang Ji, "Run!"

In the chaos, Lin Lang's body collided with the edge of the table. A crash sounded as the kerosene lamp fell to the ground, shattering into countless shards like splashes of water. Fang Ji was startled and quickly said, "Fang Qing! Wait!"

Fang Qing...

Lin Lang suddenly froze, the image of the sun pattern on the cake flashed through his mind, and a chill ran through him, leaving him paralyzed.

(Tn: Fang Qing name means becoming sunny. Qing character(晴) means sun.)

He looked up and saw Fang Ji seemingly saying something to him, but he couldn't hear anything.

Just then, the door was kicked open with a bang. Fang Ji's expression changed abruptly as he turned to look. He saw Lin Qiang standing in the doorway, glancing around the room. "I was passing by here just now and heard a loud noise. What kind of drama are you guys acting?"


Tn: I feel bad for Lin Lang...

10 more chapters to go...