Chapter 10: The Shift in Strategy

Yuta stood on a hill overlooking the vast expanse of Amegakure, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. The landscape below him was a mix of desolation and hope, a testament to the war-torn state of the world. Yet, amidst the chaos, Yuta found himself at a crossroads. His experiences and actions thus far had been heavily influenced by the life he led before coming to this world—a life defined by direct confrontation and personal involvement. But now, he realized, this world offered him an opportunity to redefine his role.

"Why fight in the front lines when I can control everything from the shadows?" Yuta mused aloud, a newfound clarity settling over him. His ability to summon characters to this world was a power unparalleled, and it was time to harness it fully. 

The bond with Lelouch had shown Yuta the power of strategic manipulation. Lelouch's growing influence was a testament to what could be achieved with a sharp mind and a carefully laid plan. Yuta decided that his strength lay not in the battlefield but in orchestrating events from behind the scenes. He would become the unseen puppeteer, pulling the strings to shape the future.

Yuta's resolve solidified as he thought about his previous life. He had always been at the forefront, battling enemies head-on. This time, he would be different. This time, he would use his influence to summon powerful allies and let them take center stage.

Lelouch had already demonstrated the potential of this strategy. His rising influence had brought Yuta closer to summoning another ally. With each significant action Lelouch took, the influence meter ticked upward, bringing them closer to the next summoning.

As Yuta descended the hill, he began to formulate his plan. He would continue to support Lelouch, ensuring his influence grew steadily. The more powerful Lelouch became, the more characters Yuta could summon to this world. It was a cycle of power and influence that Yuta intended to exploit to its fullest.

Back at the hidden training grounds, Yuta gathered Lelouch, C.C., and a select few of Lelouch's trusted lieutenants. They sat around a large table, maps and documents spread before them. Yuta's eyes gleamed with a newfound purpose.

"Lelouch," Yuta began, his voice steady and confident, "I've decided to step back from direct involvement. My strength lies in summoning allies and guiding events from the shadows. Your influence is key to this strategy."

Lelouch nodded, understanding the shift in Yuta's approach. "I see. Your ability to summon characters is our greatest asset. By focusing on increasing my influence, we can bring more powerful allies to our side."

"Exactly," Yuta confirmed. "Your actions have already set the stage. As your influence grows, we'll be able to summon more characters. Each new ally will bring us closer to our ultimate goal."

C.C. leaned forward, her green eyes sharp with interest. "Who do you plan to summon next?"

Yuta smiled, a hint of mystery in his expression. "You'll see soon enough. For now, let's focus on increasing Lelouch's influence."

As they discussed their plans, Yuta felt a sense of liberation. No longer burdened by the need to fight directly, he could now focus on the grander scheme. His mind raced with possibilities, each one more tantalizing than the last.

Meanwhile, in the heart of Amegakure, the forces led by Hanzo were stirring. Rumors of nobles raising private forces had reached their ears, causing a ripple of discontent among the ranks. Some shinobi were outraged, seeing it as a betrayal of their principles. Others were indifferent, caring little about the machinations of the nobles.

One evening, a group of discontented shinobi gathered in a dimly lit tavern. The air was thick with tension as they voiced their frustrations.

"This is unacceptable," one of them, a grizzled veteran, growled. "The nobles are playing their own games while we risk our lives on the front lines."

Another shinobi, younger and more idealistic, nodded in agreement. "We should be united, not divided by the whims of the aristocracy. Hanzo-sama needs to put a stop to this."

However, not everyone shared their outrage. A seasoned shinobi, with scars that spoke of countless battles, shrugged. "Let the nobles play their games. As long as they don't interfere with our missions, it doesn't matter."

The debate raged on, highlighting the growing rift within Hanzo's forces. Some shinobi were fiercely loyal to their leader, willing to follow his orders without question. Others were becoming increasingly disillusioned, questioning the motives of those in power.

Back at the training grounds, Yuta and Lelouch continued to refine their strategy. They were aware of the growing unrest among Hanzo's forces and planned to use it to their advantage.

"Lelouch," Yuta said, his voice low and conspiratorial, "we can use the discontent among Hanzo's forces to further our goals. If we can sway some of them to our side, our influence will grow even faster."

Lelouch nodded, a calculating look in his eyes. "Agreed. We'll need to be careful, though. Hanzo is no fool. He'll notice if his forces start defecting."

"We'll be subtle," Yuta assured him. "We'll plant seeds of doubt, whisper promises of a better future. Let them come to us willingly."

As they put their plan into motion, Yuta felt a sense of excitement. The game was unfolding perfectly, each move bringing them closer to their goal. With each new ally, their power would grow, and the influence required to summon the next character would be within reach.

As the chapter drew to a close, Yuta stood on the hill once more, gazing out over the land. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over Amegakure. He felt a sense of calm, knowing that his path was clear.

From the shadows, he would shape the future. He would summon powerful allies, orchestrate events, and ensure that their vision of a new world order came to fruition. And with Lelouch by his side, there was no limit to what they could achieve.

The rise of influence had only just begun, and Yuta was determined to see it through to the end.