Chapter 12: The Weight of Influence

Yuta sat alone in his dimly lit chamber, the glow of the panel before him casting a soft light across his face. He had come to rely on this panel, a manifestation of the system that governed his newfound abilities. Today, the panel displayed something that filled him with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

**Influence: 10,000/10,000 (Cannot be accumulated)**

He had reached the threshold. The influence he had painstakingly accumulated through Lelouch's growing presence and strategic maneuvers had finally hit its peak. Yuta knew that the time had come to summon another character, someone who could further their cause and solidify their position in this turbulent world.

Yuta stood, his heart pounding with anticipation and a touch of fear. Summoning Lelouch had changed the course of his life, and he wondered what this next character would bring. Would they be an ally, a strategist, or perhaps a warrior? The possibilities were endless, and with them came a sense of uncertainty.

He made his way to the summoning chamber, where Lelouch and C.C. were waiting. The room was vast, its stone walls lined with ancient runes that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Lelouch stood with his characteristic calm demeanor, while C.C. leaned against a wall, her green hair cascading over her shoulders, a look of mild curiosity on her face.

"So, it's time," Lelouch said, breaking the silence. "You've gathered enough influence to summon another character."

Yuta nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yes. The system has notified me that the influence value has reached its limit. We can't accumulate any more until we perform the summoning."

C.C. pushed off the wall and walked over, her eyes locking onto Yuta's. "Let's hope this one is as useful as Lelouch," she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

Yuta couldn't help but smile back, though his mind was racing with the possibilities. He approached the center of the room, where the summoning circle lay etched into the floor. With a deep breath, he activated the system, and the familiar carousel of images began to spin.

The room was filled with a soft, ethereal light as the carousel whirred to life. Images of potential summons flashed before Yuta's eyes—warriors, tacticians, mystics. Each one a fragment of potential, a piece of the puzzle that could change their fate.

As the carousel began to slow, Yuta's heart pounded in his chest. He watched intently, waiting for the image to solidify, for the system to reveal who would be joining them. The light grew brighter, and the carousel came to a halt, focusing on a single image.

Yuta's breath caught in his throat as the image sharpened into focus. Standing before him was a figure draped in dark, flowing robes, their face obscured by shadows. But as the figure stepped forward, their features became clear.

The character's eyes burned with an intense, almost malevolent light. A cold shiver ran down Yuta's spine as he locked eyes with the figure. There was something deeply unsettling about them, an aura of darkness and power that seemed to radiate from their very being.

Yuta's face paled, and he felt a surge of fear unlike anything he had ever experienced. It was as if he was staring into the depths of hell itself, confronted by a force that could consume him whole. The figure's gaze was piercing, their presence overwhelming.

"No," Yuta whispered, his voice barely audible. "This can't be..."

The system's voice echoed in his mind, cold and mechanical. **"Do you wish to summon this character?"**

Panic surged through Yuta as he realized the gravity of the situation. Summoning this character could bring untold power, but at what cost? He felt a deep, instinctual fear, a warning that this was a path fraught with danger.

"NO!" Yuta shouted, his voice breaking the silence. "STOP!"

The room fell into a deafening silence as the light from the summoning circle flickered and then died. The image of the dark figure vanished, leaving Yuta standing in the center of the room, trembling with fear and relief.

Lelouch and C.C. exchanged a glance, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern. "Yuta," Lelouch said, stepping forward. "What did you see?"

Yuta took a shaky breath, his mind racing to process what had just happened. "I... I don't know," he admitted. "But whatever it was, it felt wrong. Dangerous."

C.C. nodded, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "We need to be careful," she said. "The power of Geass and these summons can be unpredictable. We must ensure we're prepared for whatever comes next."

Yuta nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility settle heavily on his shoulders. The path ahead was uncertain, and he knew that they would need to tread carefully. The summoning had been halted for now, but the influence they had accumulated would not wait forever.

As they left the summoning chamber, Yuta couldn't shake the feeling of dread that lingered in his mind. The image of the dark figure haunted him, a reminder of the dangers that lay ahead. He knew that their journey was far from over, and that the next steps would be crucial in shaping their fate.

The stage was set for the next chapter in their story, and Yuta was determined to face whatever challenges came their way. With Lelouch and C.C. by his side, he would navigate the complexities of this world and harness the power of his influence to shape their destiny.

But for now, he needed to gather his strength and prepare for the trials that lay ahead. The future was uncertain, but Yuta was ready to face it head-on, determined to carve out a path to survival and success.

The echoes of his shout still lingered in the air, a testament to the power of choice and the weight of responsibility. And as the night fell, Yuta knew that the true battle was only just beginning.