Chapter 24: Seeds of Rebellion

The night sky over Konoha was dotted with stars, casting a serene light over the village. In a secluded part of the Hyuga compound, a small group of branch members gathered under the cover of darkness. The tension was palpable, each person looking around nervously, unsure of what to expect.

Johan Libert stood at the center, his presence commanding and intimidating. As he turned his gaze towards Ryota, the others followed suit, their curiosity and anxiety evident in their eyes. Johan's calm demeanor belied the storm brewing beneath the surface.

"Ryota," Johan began, his voice steady, "tell everyone what happened the last time you attacked the elder."

The shock on the faces of the assembled branch members was immediate and profound. Murmurs of disbelief rippled through the group. They had known Ryota as a broken man, resigned to his fate. The idea that he could have caused such a significant upheaval was beyond their comprehension.

"When Ryota called us here," one member thought, "he said he had a way to save us from the main clan's torture. But we never imagined it would involve something as drastic as killing a member of the main branch."

Their eyes pleaded silently for Ryota to tell them it was all a lie, a misunderstanding. But Ryota, feeling the weight of their stares, knew there was no turning back. He drew a deep breath, summoning the courage that had eluded him for so long.

"I know this is hard to believe," Ryota started, his voice trembling slightly, "but it's true. I did kill the elder. Many of you have known me for a long time and are aware of how much like a dead fish my existence had become. It was at that lowest point Johan appeared in front of me."

Ryota paused, glancing at Johan, who gave him an almost imperceptible nod to continue. "It was as if an angel appeared before me," Ryota said, though in his heart, he knew it was more like a devil. "He told me he could help me get rid of the problem that bothered me, and so I followed him."

The branch members listened intently, hanging on to Ryota's every word. "He brought me to the elder's house, and we sneaked in together. When we got close to the elder, Johan did something to the Caged Bird seal on my forehead and then asked me to attack."

Ryota's expression hardened as he relived the memory. "I was scared, hesitant. But the elder woke up, and I reacted on instinct. My attack didn't kill him immediately, but nothing happened to me either. The elder tried to activate the Caged Bird, but it failed. Seeing this as my chance, I attacked again and succeeded in killing him."

Gasps of shock and disbelief echoed among the group. Ryota paused, giving them a moment to process his words. "Initially, I thought Johan had freed me from the Caged Bird. But soon after, the mark reappeared on my forehead, and I realized nothing had changed. I was still a slave."

The silence was heavy, filled with the unspoken fears and hopes of the branch members. They turned their eyes towards Johan, who stood quietly, waiting. After a few moments, Johan began to speak, his voice deep and steady.

"Now all of you should have an idea of how I am going to help you," Johan said, a sinister and charming smile creeping up his face. "What you will be doing next is similar to what Ryota just explained, except this time, we will target the entire main clan at once."

Eyes widened in shock and realization. Johan continued, "This way, once the entire main clan is dead, no one will be able to activate the Caged Bird, and no one will continue to engrave it on your offspring. This will free you and your descendants from bondage forever."

The branch members exchanged glances, the enormity of Johan's plan sinking in. A mix of fear and exhilaration coursed through them. Johan's words carried a promise of freedom, but the cost was high.

"You must ensure that the entire branch clan is united," Johan said, his tone turning serious. "No one can leak any information. Our success depends on absolute secrecy."

One of the newer members, a young man named Kenji, hesitated before voicing his concern. "But how will we bypass the security of the Hyuga Clan?"

The group turned to look at him, their expressions a mix of disbelief and irritation. Johan's smile returned, cold and amused. "You are the security of the Hyuga Clan. There is no need to bypass yourself."

Kenji flushed with embarrassment, realizing the truth of Johan's words. The main clan had foolishly entrusted their safety to those they oppressed, never imagining that the branch members would dare to rise against them. 

Ryota, emboldened by Johan's plan and the support of his fellow branch members, felt a surge of determination. "We've been given a chance to change our fate. We must seize it, for ourselves and for our children."

The group nodded in agreement, their fear slowly transforming into resolve. The path ahead was dangerous, but the promise of freedom was a powerful motivator.

Johan's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he looked over the group. "Prepare yourselves. When the time comes, we will strike as one. Until then, remain vigilant and ensure that no one outside this group knows of our plans."

As the group dispersed, Johan's presence lingered in Ryota's mind. The man's ability to instill both fear and hope was uncanny, and Ryota couldn't shake the feeling that they were dealing with forces far beyond their understanding.