Chapter 26: Threads of Ambition

Yuta's Perspective

Yuta sat in a dimly lit room, stacks of intelligence reports spread out before him. He sifted through the information methodically, his eyes scanning each page with focused intensity. The Revolutionary Army of Lelouch had gathered an impressive amount of data, and Yuta was determined to find something specific within it.

"Lelouch, do you know about the Uzumaki Kingdom?" Yuta asked, breaking the silence.

Lelouch, standing by the window with an air of authority, nodded. "Yes. It was an extremely shocking event and it happened not long before you summoned me. There's no way I would have missed it. My intelligence department is quite good; a big event like this would never go unnoticed."

"Good," Yuta said, leaning back in his chair. "Then you should have known that among the survivors of that genocide, no one chose to go to Konoha."

Lelouch smirked slightly. "Technically, you are right. However, Konoha did manage to get Kushina Uzumaki, didn't it?"

"Yes," Yuta replied, his mind racing with possibilities.

He continued to pore over the intelligence, piecing together the fates of the scattered Uzumaki clan survivors. The data revealed the locations of several survivors, including the three orphans: Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko. Yuta noted that Lelouch had not yet taken action regarding these individuals.

"Hmm, has the whereabouts of Uzumaki Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko been located?" Yuta asked, more to himself than to Lelouch. "If so, then why has Lelouch not taken any action?"

Yuta decided it was time for a direct conversation. He turned to Lelouch, who was now studying him with an inscrutable expression. "Lelouch, what are your plans for the future? I saw that you discovered those three, but you didn't take the initiative to absorb them."

Lelouch's eyes bore into Yuta's, his gaze unwavering. "Forget about me. First, let's talk about you," he said, his tone sharp. "From the time I have come to this world, I haven't seen you with a goal. You just seem to be going ahead with the flow. No plans, no goals, just following what is happening."

Yuta opened his mouth to respond, but Lelouch continued. "You once said that you want to change this world, but you do not have any concrete plans for that. I understand that you want to rely on me for strategy, but if you really want to be relevant, you need to have an aim, a goal of your own, and work on that."

Yuta felt a wave of confusion and realization wash over him. Lelouch's words had struck a chord, forcing him to confront a truth he had been avoiding. "This..." he started, but the words failed him.

Lelouch left him alone with his thoughts, disappearing into the shadows of the room. Yuta stared at the intelligence reports, his mind swirling. It was as if something he had been ignoring was now laid bare before him, demanding his attention.

Scene Change – Hyuga Clan

In the Hyuga compound, Ryota and the other branch members moved with purpose. They were executing Johan's plan, their steps precise and coordinated.

"Everyone, are you ready?" Ryota asked, his voice steady despite the tension in the air.

"Yes," came the collective response. "We have completed all the preparations."

Ryota nodded, a sense of determination settling over him. "Have we set up the restrictions and mobilized people according to Johan's arrangements? Have they been taught how to use the sealing formation?"

"Yes," a member replied. "Johan instructed us on what to do to make sure the Caged Bird cannot work on us. The sealing formation is arranged around the Hyuga compound. It isolates each Byakugan, making it free from any external influence. This way, even if the main clan tries to activate the Caged Bird, they won't be able to harm us."

The members exchanged nervous but resolute glances. The plan was bold and fraught with danger, but their desperation for freedom had driven them to this point. They were ready to take the first step toward their liberation.

Yuta's Perspective Again

Yuta was still grappling with his thoughts when Lelouch returned. The room seemed darker, the air heavier with unspoken words. Lelouch's presence was commanding, yet there was an uncharacteristic softness in his eyes.

"Have you thought about what I said?" Lelouch asked, his voice calm but probing.

Yuta nodded slowly. "Yes. I realize now that I have been drifting without a clear purpose. I need to define my own goals if I want to be more than just a pawn in this world."

Lelouch's lips curved into a faint smile. "Good. It's a start. So, what do you intend to do?"

Yuta took a deep breath, the weight of his decision pressing down on him. "I want to find the remaining Uzumaki survivors and bring them together. They have the potential to be powerful allies. Beyond that, I need to understand this world better, to uncover its secrets and use that knowledge to shape a new future."

Lelouch's smile widened. "Now you're thinking like a true leader. Remember, Yuta, power comes not just from strength, but from knowledge and vision. Use your mind as well as your abilities."

As Yuta absorbed Lelouch's words, a sense of clarity began to form in his mind. He had a direction now, a purpose that went beyond mere survival. He would find the Uzumaki survivors and unite them. He would delve into the mysteries of this world and carve out