Chapter 28: Rising Tensions

Yuta's Perspective

Yuta sat in a small, dimly lit room with the survivors of the Uzumaki clan. The air was thick with tension, but there was also an undercurrent of curiosity and hope. He had expected this meeting to be fraught with difficulty. After all, these people had lived through the extermination of their clan, surviving a genocide that would leave deep scars. He anticipated mistrust, paranoia, and hesitation.

To his surprise, they had allowed him in without much resistance. This unexpected acceptance left him momentarily bewildered, but he quickly rationalized it. Even if they were plotting something, it was impossible for them to harm him. It wasn't his strength that gave him this confidence but something else entirely.

The room was filled with the survivors, their red hair and unique features marking them unmistakably as Uzumaki. Haruto, the young man who had first greeted Yuta, sat across from him, his eyes sharp and questioning.

"What is it that you want from us?" Haruto asked, breaking the silence.

Yuta leaned forward, his expression serious. "I want to gather the remaining Uzumaki and form a force that can change the future of the Ninja World. We have the potential to bring about significant change, but we must work together."

The Uzumaki survivors exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of skepticism and intrigue. Yuta continued, "I don't seek to conquer. My aim is to build a business empire, to bridge the technological gaps in this world and create something enduring. With your unique abilities and my vision, we can achieve this."

Hyuga Clan

Meanwhile, chaos erupted in the Hyuga compound. The sudden activation of the seals had disturbed the quiet night, drawing the attention of the main clan members from their sleep.

"What's happening?" one of them shouted, disoriented.

With no immediate answers, the main clan members began to activate their Byakugan, their eyes transforming with bulging veins around their temples, the signature of their powerful dojutsu. The enhanced vision allowed them to see through walls and locate the source of the disturbance.

Ninjas were closing in on them, moving swiftly and silently. Panic spread among the main clan members.


His questions were met with cold silence. The attackers, undeterred, increased their speed, closing in on the main branch members. Fear seized the shouting man. His bravado faded as he frantically searched for a way to escape. His eyes darted around, catching glimpses of his manor's inhabitants being slaughtered by the invaders.

"HELP! PLEASE, SOMEBODY HELP US!" screamed a woman, her voice filled with desperation. The main clan members, unaccustomed to the brutality of real combat, were easily overpowered. They cried out for help, but their pleas went unanswered.

Clash of the Clans

One of the main branch members, Kaito, faced off against a branch clan member named Hana. Kaito's initial confidence was evident as he launched into a tirade.

"You dare to attack your betters?" Kaito sneered, his Byakugan activated. "I recognize those moves. You're a branch member, aren't you? Kneel and beg for mercy!"

Hana remained calm, her stance steady. "I owe you nothing, Kaito," she replied, her voice firm.

Kaito's face twisted with rage. "How dare you! I'll make you suffer. I'll activate the Caged Bird and bring you to your knees."

Kaito focused his chakra, intending to activate the Caged Bird seal. But to his shock, nothing happened. The seal remained dormant.

"What? No! This can't be!" Kaito stammered, panic setting in.

Hana saw her opportunity. She moved swiftly, her Gentle Fist strikes precise and relentless. Kaito, unused to real combat, could barely keep up. Each hit sapped his strength and chakra, his movements growing sluggish and desperate.

"Stop! Please, stop!" Kaito begged, fear evident in his eyes. "Spare me! I'll do anything!"

Hana's face remained impassive as she delivered the final blow, leaving Kaito crumpled on the ground, defeated and terrified.

Yuta's Determination

Back with the Uzumaki survivors, Yuta's conviction began to resonate. The room was dimly lit, with the flickering light of a few candles casting long shadows on the walls. The air was thick with anticipation and curiosity. Haruto leaned forward, intrigued by the possibilities Yuta presented.

"If we join you, what guarantees do we have?" Haruto asked, his voice steady but cautious.

Yuta met Haruto's gaze steadily. "I offer you a chance to rebuild, to thrive. Together, we can create a future where the Uzumaki name is respected and feared once more. We will rise from the ashes and forge a new path."

A middle-aged woman with streaks of white in her red hair spoke up next. "You speak of a business empire. What exactly do you envision? And how will it benefit us directly?"

Yuta nodded, appreciating the directness of the question. "I envision a network of industries that leverage both traditional and advanced technologies. We'll bridge the gaps that exist in this world—like the inconsistent use of communication devices and weapons. By creating innovative solutions and products, we'll become indispensable to every village and clan. This will bring us wealth and influence, ensuring that the Uzumaki clan can thrive and grow."

A young boy, barely in his teens but with the unmistakable red hair of the Uzumaki, raised his hand timidly. "How do we know we can trust you? We've lost so much already."

Yuta's expression softened. He knelt down to be at eye level with the boy. "I understand your fear. Trust is earned, not given freely. All I can offer is my word and my actions. Watch me, judge me by what I do. I promise to stand by you and work for our shared future."

An elderly man, his face lined with age and sorrow, leaned on his cane as he spoke. "What if we face opposition? The other clans and villages may not take kindly to our rise. How do you plan to protect us?"

Yuta straightened, his voice firm. "I have allies and resources that we can call upon. Lelouch, the man who brought me into this world, commands a significant force. While our goals differ, we can still support each other when necessary. Additionally, as we grow stronger economically, we will be able to hire our own security forces. Our innovations will also include defensive technologies to protect our interests."

A woman with piercing green eyes, a stark contrast to her red hair, asked, "Why did you choose us? There are many clans with power and potential. What makes the Uzumaki special to you?"

Yuta smiled warmly. "The Uzumaki clan has a rich history of resilience and strength. Your unique abilities, especially in sealing techniques, are unparalleled. But more than that, I see a kinship here. You've survived unimaginable hardships, yet you stand strong. That spirit is what drew me to you. Together, we can build something extraordinary."

Haruto exchanged a glance with the others before leaning back and folding his arms. "What do you need from us to start?"

Yuta took a deep breath. "I need your skills, your knowledge, and your willingness to take risks. We will start by establishing a base of operations, where we can develop our technologies and begin production. From there, we will expand our network, reaching out to other potential allies and markets. It's a long road ahead, but with your support, we can make it."

A silence settled over the room as the Uzumaki survivors processed Yuta's words. Then, one by one, they nodded in agreement.

Haruto extended his hand. "Alright, Yuta. We'll join you. But remember, we are partners in this. The Uzumaki name must rise with honor and strength."

Yuta grasped Haruto's hand firmly, sealing their pact. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

With the Uzumaki clan's support secured, Yuta felt a renewed sense of purpose. Together, they would forge a new path, one that would bring them prosperity and respect. The journey ahead was fraught with challenges, but Yuta was ready to face them head-on, with the Uzumaki clan by his side.

Hyuga Compound: The Aftermath

As dawn approached, the Hyuga compound was eerily silent. The seals' glow began to fade, leaving behind a scene of devastation. The branch members stood victorious, their eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and determination.

Ryota, bloodied but unbowed, surveyed the scene. They had won the battle, but the war was far from over. The main clan's reinforcements would arrive soon, and they had to be ready.

"Prepare yourselves," Ryota called out. "This is just the beginning. We must stand united and strong."

The branch members nodded, their resolve unshaken. They were ready to face whatever came next, their hearts burning with the fire of newfound freedom.

As the first rays of sunlight pierced the horizon, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the Hyuga compound. Reinforcements from the main Hyuga clan, alerted by the sudden silence, were on their way.

Ryota's eyes widened with realization. "We need to hold our ground," he urged, his voice steady despite the rising tension. "This is just the beginning. We must be ready for whatever comes next."