Chapter 37: The Arrival of the New Ally

Yuta walked alone through the quiet streets of the unknown village in the Naruto world, his mind focused on the task ahead. The village was unremarkable, with modest houses and narrow alleyways. The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the surroundings. He reached a secluded clearing just outside the village, where an old shrine stood, its wooden beams weathered by time.

Taking a deep breath, Yuta activated his System. A translucent screen appeared before him, displaying a complex interface filled with various options and menus. He navigated through the screens with practiced ease until he reached the summoning tab. 

"Summon Character," he whispered, his voice steady.

As soon as he selected the option, a carousel of images began to spin rapidly in his mind. Faces, places, and creatures from countless worlds flashed before him at an overwhelming speed. He focused his thoughts, channeling his intent into the System.

"I want to summon a new character," he said aloud, his voice firm and resolute.

The carousel of images spun faster and faster until, with a sudden jolt, it came to an abrupt stop. One image stood out, clear and vivid: a man with a brain the size of an island. The image of Dr. Vegapunk from One Piece, now deceased in his own world, lingered in Yuta's mind.

The System responded instantly. A beam of light shot down from the sky, enveloping the area in a radiant glow. Yuta felt a surge of energy, a powerful force coursing through him and into the summoning process. The light intensified, forming a swirling vortex at the center of the clearing.

With a brilliant flash, the light erupted outward, temporarily blinding Yuta. When the light faded and his vision cleared, a figure stood before him. Tall and imposing, with a massive, bulbous head that seemed almost too large for his body, Dr. Vegapunk had been summoned.

The scientist looked around, his eyes sharp and inquisitive. "Where am I?" he asked, his voice calm yet filled with a hint of curiosity.

Yuta took a deep breath, steadying himself. "Welcome, Dr. Vegapunk," he said. "You are in the Naruto world, in a village unknown to most. I've brought you here because I need your help."

Vegapunk studied Yuta for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "I see," he said slowly. "It appears I have been summoned from beyond the veil of death. This is quite fascinating."

Yuta nodded, feeling a mixture of awe and excitement. "Yes, and your knowledge and skills are desperately needed here."

Dr. Vegapunk adjusted his glasses, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Very well, summoner. I am at your service. Let us see what wonders we can achieve together."

Yuta couldn't help but smile back. He had succeeded. Dr. Vegapunk was here, and with his unparalleled intellect, the possibilities were endless.


Yuta and Dr. Vegapunk walk side by side, the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees above. Birds chirp and a gentle breeze rustles the leaves, creating a peaceful ambiance.

Yuta: Glancing at Vegapunk It's still surreal to see you here. I never thought I'd actually manage to summon someone like you from the One Piece world.

Dr. Vegapunk: Adjusting his glasses, looking around with keen interest This place is fascinating. The energy in the air... it feels different from anything in my world or as you call it the One Piece world.

Yuta: That's probably the chakra you're sensing. In this world, people use chakra, a mix of physical and spiritual energy, to perform various techniques known as jutsu. It's the foundation of all their abilities here.

Dr. Vegapunk: Nods thoughtfully Chakra, you say? Remarkable. It seems to function similarly to our Haki, but with more versatile applications. Tell me more about these... jutsu.

Yuta: Smiles Sure. Jutsu can be categorized into three main types: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu. Ninjutsu involves manipulating chakra to create various effects, like fireballs or clones. Genjutsu is all about illusions, affecting the opponent's senses. Taijutsu is hand-to-hand combat, enhanced by chakra.

Dr. Vegapunk: Eyes sparkling with curiosity Fascinating. And these shinobi, the practitioners of these arts, are they similar to our pirates and marines in terms of their societal roles?

Yuta: In a way, yes. Shinobi, or ninjas, are warriors who often serve their villages and carry out missions. These can range from simple tasks to high-stakes battles. Each village has its own unique jutsu and techniques, much like how different islands in your world have their own cultures and technologies.

They pass a small stream, the water sparkling under the sunlight. Vegapunk pauses to examine the water, his scientific curiosity piqued.

Dr. Vegapunk: Crouching by the stream, examining a rock Even the natural elements here seem infused with this chakra. I can see endless possibilities for research. Have there been any technological advancements in this world comparable to those in ours?

Yuta: Yes and no. While they may not have advanced machinery like the Pacifista, they've developed some incredible tools and weapons using chakra. For example, there's the legendary weapon, the Totsuka Blade, and various sealing techniques that can trap even the most powerful of beings.

Dr. Vegapunk: Standing up, clearly excited Extraordinary. I can only imagine what combining my knowledge of science and technology with this world's understanding of chakra could achieve.

Yuta: That's exactly why I summoned you, Dr. Vegapunk. With your genius and the unique properties of this world, we could make incredible advancements. Maybe even find a way to bridge our worlds permanently.

Dr. Vegapunk: Smiling The possibilities are indeed endless, Yuta. Let's explore this world further. There's much to learn, and I can't wait to see what we can discover together.

The two continue their walk, their minds buzzing with the potential of their newfound alliance, ready to delve into the mysteries and wonders of the Naruto world.