Chapter 46: Chakra Net

"Dr. Vegapunk, how much more time do you estimate it will take to complete the lab?" Yuta asked, his eyes scanning the bustling construction site around them. Workers moved efficiently, their progress marked by the sound of hammers and the hum of machinery.

Dr. Vegapunk paused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as he observed the workers. "At this rate, it should be completed in about two months," he replied confidently. "Thanks to the widespread practice of basic Ninjutsu, many civilians can now use low-level techniques, significantly speeding up the construction process."

"That's excellent news!" Yuta replied with a smile. "The faster we get this lab up and running, the sooner we can start our research."

Dr. Vegapunk nodded in agreement, then turned to Yuta with curiosity. "And what about you, Yuta? How did your deal in the Land of Fire go?"

Yuta leaned back, folding his arms across his chest. "It went great, although there were a few hiccups along the way. Mostly, things went according to plan. I've managed to sign agreements with five merchants from the Land of Fire. We can sell basic firearms to them under the name of The Abyss Company."

"Impressive work, Yuta," Vegapunk said, nodding with approval. "But tell me, why did you choose the name 'The Abyss Company'?"

Yuta chuckled, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Well, it's a bit of a funny story, and I'll admit it has a bit of a chunnibyou vibe to it. When I came up with the name, I envisioned The Abyss Company growing into a behemoth that could devour and engulf everything in its path."

He leaned forward, his tone turning more serious. "I want the name to instill a sense of awe and a bit of fear. No one should dare to even entertain the idea of challenging The Abyss Company. I want everyone to remember this line when they think of us: 'If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.'"

Dr. Vegapunk chuckled, clearly amused. "You certainly have a flair for the dramatic, Yuta. But I must admit, it's a compelling vision."

Yuta laughed, feeling more relaxed. "Exactly! Besides, a name like that is bound to capture attention and spark curiosity. It's all part of the plan."

The two continued their discussion, the conversation flowing easily as they shared ideas and plans for the future, the excitement for what lay ahead palpable in the air.

As they spoke, Yuta and Dr. Vegapunk entered one of the most critical labs currently in use. The lab buzzed with activity, filled with the hum of machinery and the clatter of equipment. Technicians and scientists were hard at work, their focus intense as they maneuvered around complex devices.

"So, Doctor, what project are you currently working on?" Yuta asked, his curiosity piqued as he glanced around the room filled with advanced technology and research equipment.

As soon as Yuta asked the question, he saw Dr. Vegapunk's eyes light up with excitement, like a child who had finally received their favorite toy after pleading and begging for it. The sudden transformation in the usually composed scientist was startling.

This scene shocked Yuta, who had never seen Vegapunk so animated. He wondered what could have possibly excited someone of Vegapunk's stature to this extent. After all, this was a man whose wisdom was said to surpass the world's understanding by 500 years—five centuries, an almost unimaginable span. 

"I mean, seriously," Yuta thought to himself, "how many people in history can claim to have wisdom that crosses generations, let alone centuries?"

In the real world, there are very few people whose intelligence and insight are said to transcend generations, let alone centuries. Seeing a man like Vegapunk, a veritable monster of intellect, become so enthusiastic could only mean one thing: whatever he was researching was bound to be groundbreaking.

Vegapunk rubbed his hands together eagerly. "Ah, Yuta, you've come at just the right time! I've been working on something truly extraordinary."

Yuta leaned in, intrigued. "What is it, Doctor? You have me on the edge of my seat here."

Vegapunk grinned, gesturing toward a large, complex-looking machine at the center of the lab. "It's a new application of Chakra, one that has never been utilized before. If we successfully develop this, the Ninja world as you know it will completely change."

Yuta's eyes widened. "That sounds incredible! How does it work?"

"Without getting too technical, it harnesses quantum fluctuations in a controlled manner," Vegapunk explained, his enthusiasm growing. "If successful, this project could render traditional ninja methods obsolete and solve crises across the globe."

Yuta nodded, understanding the magnitude of the project. "That's astonishing, Doctor. If anyone can pull it off, it's you."

Vegapunk chuckled modestly, but there was a glint of determination in his eyes. "Thank you, Yuta. It's an ambitious project, but with the right team and resources, I'm confident we can make it a reality."

As they continued to discuss the project, Yuta couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the possibilities that lay ahead. In the hands of someone like Vegapunk, the future seemed brighter and more exciting than ever.

"So, what do you call this technology, and what exactly does it do?" Yuta asked.

Vegapunk paused for a moment, then smiled. "I don't currently have a name for it, but I can certainly talk about its function."

"In my previous world," Vegapunk continued, "I dreamt of using my brain as a knowledge library and server, establishing connections to every creature in that world, allowing them to access all the knowledge I possess."

"However, due to various obstacles—and eventually my death—I was never able to achieve that dream. But in this world, I discovered that I could make it a reality."

"Chakra has the potential to make my dream a success."

Yuta listened intently, his mind racing with the implications of Vegapunk's vision.

"Wait," Vegapunk suddenly said, his eyes lighting up again, "I've just thought of a name for it. I'll call it the 'Chakra Net.'"