Chapter 10: A New Beginning

Valeria traveled the Sargon sands with firm steps. She traversed through most of the night conjuring plans in her head, only stopping to sleep. Using her arts to cross the desert at night would have been quicker, but she was not in a hurry. The next step in the plan she threw together required the assistance of the Sarkaz mercenaries hired by the Padishah, and she had yet to receive word from Anders on their location. Now all she could do was wait and travel. They should be moving to the same destination anyway since they were both pursuing the same target after all.

The wait didn't take long. A few hours into her new day, the communicator at her hip crackled to life. Anders' voice came through the device breaking the otherwise silent atmosphere.

"Valeria, you there?"

Pausing her steps, Valeria took her communicator into her hand and pressed down on the transmission button.

"I hear you. Did you find them?"

Anders responded with a hesitant tone leaking into his voice.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news?"

A frown appeared on her face at the question.

"Just spit it out, Anders."

A sigh came from the communicator.

"We found them, but it seems they spotted us too. We're at an awkward spot where both groups are staring at each other from a distance right now, but I don't know how long that will last. They'll want an explanation on why we're tailing them, and it may come to blows if they don't like the answer. What do you want me to say?"

Valeria closed her eyes for a moment and took a breath. When she opened them again, her eyes were as steady as steel, and her voice flowed with a resolve it had lost long ago.

"Tell them that the Queen of Ruin wants to speak to them. Send me your coordinates."

Anders didn't respond at first. Her words put him in a daze for a few moments, but his heart raced when they sunk in. An uncontainable excitement overtook him as he replied.

"Yes, Ma'am!"


It took five hours of travel to reach the coordinates Anders had given her. As she approached she could clearly see two different camps of Sarkaz mercenaries set up next to each other, though neither was letting their guard down to the other.

Upon her arrival, she joined Anders' mercenaries, and as she walked past them, they naturally fell in line behind her with Anders at the forefront.

The second band of mercenaries noticed the activity, and their leader came to the front of the pack to meet them. It was a Goliath man who stood a head taller than even the other Goliaths with him. A mask covered his face letting only his narrowed eyes be seen. Valeria's sight lingered on his horns for a moment before locking eyes with him. His horns had been shaved down to resemble a Caprinae rather than a Sarkaz. The man had one hand on the hilt of his weapon as he watched their approach.

Valeria stopped about ten feet away from the man with a small smile and rather than the language of Sargon, she spoke to him in the language of the ancient Sarkaz.

"I am glad you agreed to meet, child."

The Sarkaz man wore a look of confusion at the words.


Valeria's smile turned to a frown.

"Has no one taught you the language of our people?"

The man scoffed at her words.

"We were all born in Sargon. Kazdel and its ways are simply stories to us. They hold no meaning."

Valeria raised a brow in curiosity.

"Yet here you are, waiting in the desert for over five hours at the mention of the Queen of Ruin. Why?"

"Because if it was true then I get to see what a storybook hero looks like, and if it wasn't, I wanted to see what madwoman would claim the name."

Valeria hummed in acknowledgment.

"Tell me then, how do I compare to the stories?"

The man looked her up and down before giving his answer.

"They say she can be spotted by her black armor and purple crystal blade. That her shadow arts can topple cities and stop armies in their tracks. You don't look the part, and the stories say that she is dead. I can't say if you are her, but at the very least your eyes have weight."

He spoke honestly. Valeria's eyes had a look to them that spoke of all she had seen: Joy, hardship, tragedy, and pain. Those eyes had personally bore witness to thousands of years of history. They were hardened by struggle and seemed to pierce straight through you. As if nothing could hide before them.

A small smile returned to her face.

"My equipment was lost hundreds of years ago, but as for my arts..."

All at once, black tendrils sprouted out of the shadow of every person present lifting them up into the air. Those tendrils cast shadows of their own on the ground due to the sun's light creating a chain reaction of even more tendrils surging out. The startled Sarkaz went to draw their weapons, but before they could the tendrils wrapped around them began to act. Valeria looked on in amusement as the Sarkaz were whipped around in the air as if they were toys. Some of the tendrils seemed to bloat and expand in order to create a thin fog-like sphere of darkness around everyone present. The day seemed to shift to night as the sunlight was cut off. The Sarkaz were unable to see further than a couple in front of themselves, as the strength of the tendrils threatened to crush their bones.

Rather than fear, the Sarkaz looked determined as they struggled to break out of the vice grip holding them. Valeria nodded in approval at the sight before dropping them down to the ground and allowing the sun to grace the area once again.

" they meet your expectations?"

The Sarkaz drew their weapons causing Anders' mercenaries to draw their own weapons creating a standoff. The only two who did not were Valeria and the mercenary leader opposite of her. The man gripped his weapon's hilt tighter as his body tensed.

"I'll acknowledge your claim. What is it that you want? The only thing that makes us special is this job. You're after the Columbians?"

Valeria gave a small nod to the man.

"I am, but right now I am here for you."

The man frowned at her answer. There was nothing special about them. They were just one of the many Sarkaz mercenary groups out there. Walk in any direction and you are bound to run into another eventually, so he asked again.

"What do you want?"

"To ask you a question."

The Sarkaz man couldn't hide his surprise at the answer, but figured she wanted to know about the Padishah for some reason. Before he could say anything, however, Valeria continued.

"Are you satisfied?"

His brows furrowed and his frown only grew at the question.


"Yes, satisfied. Looking at your horns, I can guess how life has gone. Sarkaz born in Sargon would be rejected at every turn. You shaved your horns in order to hide your heritage, that way you wouldn't immediately get run out of any village you stumbled into. Your childhood likely amounted to going from village to village stealing what little food you could get your hands on to survive. After growing up, you realized you had strong bodies. Using your prowess, you sold yourselves as hired muscle to a people who would never accept you. To bleed and die for a land you can never call your own. You must realize the Padishah will not allow you to live once you complete this mission. He will silence you to keep his involvement a secret. It's a tragic story. One I have seen many times, so tell me, are you satisfied?"

The man ground his teeth as he listened to her words. Satisfied? How could he be? His whole life he has had to look over his back out of fear that this day would be his last, but...

"What other choice is there? At least this way we can have a full stomach when we die."

Valeria turned her gaze off to the horizon. The others looked over to see what she was focusing on, but all that greeted them was desert sands. Her voice rang out once again, this time dripping with nostalgia.

"Allow an old woman to tell you about her home. Kazdel. The true Kazdel, not the pale imitations that have been rebuilt from its rubble time and time again. The first Kazdel. It was back before our people united together under the name Sarkaz. Back when we called ourselves Teekaz instead."

The word Teekaz resonated deep within the hearts of everyone present. Back before they became known as Sarkaz, the various Sarkaz sub-races were a divided people. Each with their own territories, and governments. They cooperated and fought amongst each other just as nations would. Then war with the other races came. It was a brutal war that eventually led to the first fall of Kazdel. The term Sarkaz was used as a derogatory term by their enemies, but that term became their rallying cry. A single banner to rally under and fight their common enemy. It was then the Teekaz became Sarkaz. In modern day, the term Teekaz is synonymous with the age when the Sarkaz had a true, lasting home.

"The Kazdel of old was not perfect. In fact, it had many problems, but it was home. The common citizen's biggest worry was if the clouds would bring rain for their crops tomorrow, or if any customers would visit their shop today. Our people had no fear of starting a family. They could freely walk the streets without the threat of an angry mob. They could smile from the bottom of their hearts. We lead the world in science and innovation, our treasuries overflowed, and our tables were never without food. It was beautiful."

As she talked the other Sarkaz could only fall into a stupor. Such a scene is a dream. A dream shared by every Sarkaz for thousands of years. Most of the things she talked about were normal for the average person, but for the Sarkaz? They have always been out of reach.

It was then that the mercenary leader realized why the Queen of Ruin appeared before them.

"You want to rebuild Kazdel and you need manpower."

Valeria's smile grew at his declaration.

"Smart boy."

"Then why are you here? If you need manpower, there are plenty of Sarkaz around the Kazdel ruins. They would jump at the chance to rebuild the place."

Valeria simply shook her head at the idea.

"No, the other Sarkaz royal courts are also there, and our visions of the future have diverged. Blinded by pride, wrath, and greed they wish not only to build Kazdel, but to dominate the rest of Terra. They wish to strike down every country across the land until only Kazdel remains standing. They would make the other races subservient and force them to bow down before their feet."

Valeria could see it in their eyes. None of the Sarkaz here would be opposed to such an outcome. If it was just a few hundred years earlier, she would not be either. Hatred was a seed embedded in the hearts of every Sarkaz. After so many years of mistreatment, resentment and a desire for revenge ran deep.

"However, the notion is foolish. The world has evolved. The various nations of Terra have built sturdy foundations, and the Sarkaz are a broken people. We would never be able to accomplish such a feat. This hatred only serves to keep our people in ruins. We build up Kazdel, and then we lash out at those around us. Eventually, it is all destroyed again. A cycle that has happened so many times that the rebuilding of Kazdel is seen as a threat, and is nipped at the bud as early as possible by the surrounding nations. It must end. I want to forge a different path."

The Sarkaz leader frowned deeper at her tangent.

"You would forgive those who keep us like this?"

Valeria gave a hollow chuckle at the thought.

"Forgive? No, I will never forgive, but what is revenge compared to the relief of home?"

Rolling up her sleeve, she revealed her oripathy to everyone present.

"I am old, tired, and infected. All I want now is a garden, so I can watch the flowers I planted on my own land bloom. To hear the sound of Sarkaz children laughing as they play through the streets once more. I want a home where I can peacefully spend the last of my days and quietly die."

Silence reigned, as everyone took in her words. Finding out that The Queen of Ruin, the symbol of perseverance and an unyielding will to the Sarkaz, was alive to now discovering she was infected and doomed to die was heavy information. She had fought to restore Kazdel for millennia, and now she was going to die before such a dream could come true. How many Sarkaz have died for the same dream, hoping to have a home? Even after so many attempts, Kazdel is nothing but rubble. Was it worth it? The Goliath leader couldn't help but ask.

"Why do you keep trying?"

Valeria's expression grew solemn at the question and her tone was melancholic as she answered.

"Not many Sarkaz can claim to know what it feels like to have a home, but I remember. It is a hole in my heart that has gone empty ever since the first fall. It will not let me stop. I have seen Kazdel rise and fall over 3,000 times, and perhaps this time too will be a failure. Kazdel may be destined for nothing more than a history book. Even so, I can at least find meaning in the life I have led. Should I fail and die, at least it will tell the next generations that a home was worth giving so much effort. That it was worth dying for. Then they too may dare to dream. I will ask you one more time. Are you satisfied?"

The man closed his eyes in contemplation. Opening them, he turned around and looked at the brothers and sisters whom he had grown up with. He saw their shaved-down horns, and he saw their scars. He knew what fate awaited them at the end of this job. No, he was not satisfied. Turning back towards Valeria, a new resolve was born in his heart.

"What do you need us to do?"

Valeria's eyes narrowed in satisfaction at the question.

"You were going to confront the two Columbians and take the relic correct?"

Seeing the Goliath man nod, she continued.

"Good, continue to do so. One of the Columbians will no doubt intercept you as you near the village they are hiding out in. She will likely attempt to convince you to leave. Keep her talking for as long as you can and then depart as she wishes. Your job is simply to keep her occupied while I slip into the village and grab the relic from the other Columbian. Avoid any confrontation. Even if she is alone you are not her opponent."

Ander off to the side raised a brow at the statement.

"You talk as if you know her. Who are we dealing with?"

A dangerous light passed through Valeria's eyes as she responded.

"You will recognize her too. It is Kalt'sit."

The name struck Anders like thunder. The other Sarkaz there may not recognize the name, but that was because they were too young. Him though? He could never forget the emerald-eyed commander leading the alliance between Gaul, Victoria, and Lethanien that leveled Kazdel around two hundred years ago. His body tensed and his expression grew serious. Seeing his reaction, Valeria glanced at Anders.

"Take your people with them and make sure nothing happens. You're good at talking nonsense anyway."

Hearing her thorny words, Anders slightly relaxed and a small smile returned to his face.

"Alright, I'll take care of it. By the way, now that you're taking charge again what should I call you?"

Valeria thought for a moment before turning to address the crowd of Sarkaz around her.

"Our primary goal is the restoration of Kazdel, but that will be a long grueling process. Right now our numbers are small, resources are non-existent, and the world thinks that I am dead. We will use this to our advantage. To build up our power, we will masquerade as a mercenary company. As we grow, we will evolve into a private military. this will allow us to gather personnel and money without raising any suspicions. In the future, refer to me solely as Commander. We can not afford the number of eyes that would be on us if my existence is leaked. Am I understood?"

All the Sarkaz around her gave her a salute. Some looked professional while most were sloppy. Simply being what they thought a proper salute would look like.

"Yes, Commander!"

The sight brought a smile to Valeria's face. At least they were energetic. There was plenty of time to train them in the future. Anders dropped his salute with eyes curved in joy.

"If we are going to be a mercenary company, what's the name of our little band of misfits then?"

The Sarkaz perked up at the question wanting to know the answer themselves.

Seeing the expectant gazes, Valeria thought for a moment before an appropriate name came to mind.


All the Sarkaz were confused at the name. None of them recognized the word except for Anders. He approved.

"Perditus, huh? An ancient Sarkaz word for 'the lost.' Pretty on the nose, but appropriate."

At the explanation, the other Sarkaz also understood. The lost. Yes, they were lost, aimlessly wandering Terra without any place to call their home. Yet, it is only the lost who are able to find their way.

Seeing no objections to the name, Valeria faced Anders once again.

"Let me see that blade you have been holding on to all this time."

Anders' eyes widened as she mentioned it. After all the excitement that had been happening recently, he had nearly forgotten about it. Unstrapping the blade he had been carrying on his back for so many years, he handed it over to Valeria as if an offering. Taking it into her hands, she unsheathed the blade. The blazing sun up above made the steel shine as she inspected it. The craftsmanship and the materials used were both average, but she could tell that it had been meticulously maintained. As she ran her hand over the flat of the sword, she couldn't help feeling a bit lucky to have such a friend.

"It will do. Now let's go, I will travel with you for now and then separate once we get closer to the village."