Chapter 15: Results

In an arid plain, the mercenaries were in the midst of a grueling battle. They faced off against multiple shadowy tendrils assailing them from all sides.

This was Valeria's latest training regiment during their three month trip that the group has yet to overcome. The tendrils shatter after a single hit, but are incredibly quick and are able to appear out of anywhere. In the previous sessions they have been overwhelmed by the offensive, but after many attempts they finally were making progress.

The Sarkaz had made an encirclemnt in an attempt to brave the black tide. Most of them faced outwards, but a few individuals were turned around to face the inside of the circle, carefully watching for any tendrils that may pop out of their shadows. At the very center of the circle was the groups ranged units and their guards providing covering fire to anyone in danger of being overwhelmed.

Nadeemah was one such individual. Holding a steady grip on the crossbow in her hands, she surveyed the battlefield like a hawk waiting for the right moment to strike.

Her eyes darted over to one of the outer defenders. There she saw two tendrils rush out off the unsuspecting man's shadow. A nearby guard, set up to watch for such ambushes, swung at one of the tendrils shattering it like glass, but the second remained out of reach. Seeing it would reach its target before the guard could swing again, Nadeemah snapped her crossbow towards the tendril and pulled the trigger.

The bolt flew through the air and struck true. A far cry from when she first started learning to shoot, but when the options are hit your mark or get thrown around like a ragdoll, you learn quickly. The remaining adversary shattered inches before reaching the neck of its target. The guard immediately got into a stance to defend against anymore potential foes while Nadeemah reloaded another bolt.

As she was reloading, she knew Valeria was going to take the opportunity to launch an attack against her, but rather than panic she simply continued with her work. Sure enough out of the corner of her eye she saw one of the guards stationed to protect the ranged fighters lunge behind her. The sound of shattering glass shortly rang out behind her and her defender quickly moved back into position.

Neither acknowledged the actions of the other, after training together it was simply expected. The group moved together like clockwork, a single cohesive unit.

Valeria's smile spread wider as she saw this. This was what she wanted to impart on them. A problem she has wanted to address ever since she first saw them fight during that night ambush all that time ago. The shadows receded, and the Perditus mercenaries could breath a sigh of relief.

Gathering together, they approached Valeria for the after training discussion they have grown accustomed to with smiles adorning their faces. After many attempts they have finally overcome this particular trial. Valeria looked at them with approval in her eyes as she addressed them.

"Well done. Though you have further to go, you have come far from where you began. When I first saw you fight you were disorganized individuals, focusing only on what lay before you. Now however, you have become something more. You have discovered the reason why the Sarkaz have survived the past millenia of persecution. Unity. Only by knowing that our brothers and sisters guard our flanks are we able to boldly march forward, and It is through our own unity that the Perditus will not only survive but thrive. Engrave this lesson onto your hearts. We either stand together or we die alone."

The mercenaries lifted their heads a bit higher. Feelings of pride and determination swelled in their hearts as they acknowledged both the truth and weight of her words. The only reason they were able to overcome the previous exercise was because of the teamwork and the trust that had developed over time. Valeria saw there feelings and approved. It was good to have pride in your abilities and and the bonds you shared with your compatriots, so long as it didn't turn to arrogance. A smile graced her lips and she decided to reward them while she was in a good mood.

"Tommorow will be a day off from training. Use the time to rest and enjoy yourselves as we travel."

The decision was met with cheers from all around as the mercenaries dispersed to set up camp and discuss what to do for their day off. Only Valeria, Anders, and Nadeemah remained after the crowd cleared out. Nadeemah looked at Valeria with her face radiating joy.

"Wow Commander, you finally found your conscious and gave us a day off!"

Before she could continue talking, Anders elbowed her in the side.

"Quit complaining. Have you already forgotten why we're in this mess? If you hadn't complained the first time she wouldn't have decided to 'take the scenic route' through Columbia. We should already be in Kjerag by now."

The color drained from her face as Nadeemah looked for any signs that Valeria would take back the vacation day tomorrow, but all she saw was a bit of amusement dancing in her eyes as Valeria waved her off.

"I'll overlook it. How are your arts coming along? It's been awhile since I oversaw your practice."

Nadeemah looked proud while Anders averted his eyes at the question. Nadeemah wasted no time telling about her accomplishments.

"I've been able to break through locked devices pretty quickly, and I've even begun to manipulate other devices connected to the same network as the one I have have access to. Though I haven't figured out how to get them to remember a command yet. Right now I have to stay connected to the network and actively keep up a command or else it will stop."

Valeria nodded in approval.

"Good, keep practicing and you should be able to figure it out. I wish I could give you ideas, but I am not the most tech savvy person. We can find someone knowledgeable in Kjerag who can teach you about various electronics. Knowing how the machines you take control of work will go a long way. Instict will only take you so far, you must pair it with equal amounts of skill."

Nadeemah nodded in agreement. Valeria raised an eyebrow while turning her gaze to Anders. Giving a sigh he told her about his progress.

"Not much luck in all honestly. I still have trouble getting the energy to flow to begin with. It feels like I'm trying to force tar through my veins. It just refuses to budge. I've never been good with arts."

Anders was surprised to see that Valeria showed no reaction to the news. He expected her to be disappointed in his lack of ability, but she didn't seem bothered at all. She just crossed her arms and pondered for a moment.

"Hmm. Since you can utilize your arts slightly, it points to the problem being a lack of control rather than you being one of the unlucky incapable of arts. Anders it's time you learned an instrument."

Anders and Nadeemah both looked at her with dumbfounded expressions.


"Learn an instrument. The skills needed to play an instrument and use originium arts are actually quite similar. A fact the casters of

Leithanien know well. That is why the culture values music so much. Just as notes flow through your instrument to create a song, originium energy flows through you to make arts. It is a method I can personally attest to since it is how I first learned how to control my own arts."

Anders thought over the suggestion while Nadeemah stared at Valeria slack-jawed.

"You know how to play an instrument? Honestly, I took you for the type of person who only cares about fighting."

Valeria scoffed at her words.

"Any instrument you find out in the world I likely know how to play it. You don't get as old as I am without a hobby or two. Anders, think about what instrument you want to learn and I'll teach you. I have whatever you would pick stored in my shadow. You know what? Inform the rest of the mercenaries to do the same. Having all of them increase their arts control will be a boon and it will give them something to do while we drive."

Andes gave her a smile at the offer.

"Ok, I will. Thank you, Commander."

Nadeemah glanced at Anders after Valeria finished speaking.

"By the way, what is your arts? I've never seen you use it."

Anders gave a shrug at her question.

"That's because I'm terrible with arts, at least for now. When I get it working I can increase the weight of something."

A flash of surprise swept acrossed Nadeemah's eyes at the news.

"Wait, isn't that really good? You could increase the weight of a rock and just drop it on someone from high up."

Valeria nodded in agreement.

"Yes its quite powerful. He could increase the weight of his blade in a downward strike, make a person heavier so they are unable to move, or increase the weight of a building to cause it to collapse on itself. It is a versatile art with plenty of possibilities given that he gains enough control to use it properly."

Anders gave a light cough feeling embarrassed over the praise of his arts.

"Right well, we'll see how it goes then. It depends on getting that control first, but for now I'm going to bed. I need a good night's sleep after that thrashing you gave us earlier."

Nadeemah voiced her agreement and the two went off to to set up their respective tents.

Valeria swept her eyes over the camp, studying the faces and actions of her mercenaries as they turned in for the night. They were efficient, kept their equiptment close at hand, and although they were relaxed, they remained vigilant to their surroundings. A smile that reached her eyes formed at the sight. Finally, they were beginning to look like true Sarkaz.