Exam Result

As the high-pitched bell resounded, signalling the end of the exam, I made my way back, realizing that the strenuous assessment must have concluded.

The flood of students emerging from the exam hall all looked weary and drained – I hoped Luo Luo, and even Ling Er, whom I wasn't particularly close to, had managed to do well.

I greeted Luo Luo amidst the crowd of weary individuals. Though she appeared less fatigued, there was still a touch of weariness in her expression. Ling Er, on the other hand, seemed utterly drained.

Luo Luo's enthusiasm couldn't be contained as she began, "Li Wen, did you finish early? I can't believe it, I struggled so much, I didn't anticipate many of the questions!"

I chuckled softly, shaking my head. "Well, it wasn't exactly a walk in the park, but I did manage to get through it. There was one question that stumped me too, the last one."

Ling Er, who usually had a bigger ego than a hot air balloon, surprised me with a comment that didn't involve him trying to one-up everyone. "Yeah, those last few questions were like a stampede. Harder than I figured."

I raised an eyebrow at his casual tone. Ling Er wasn't exactly known for being laid-back but I guess he couldn't help it as the exam had truly drained him.

"It was hard but I'm sure they'll give extra marks or effort, since that's what Long Minxi mentioned," I added in the hope to lower their anxiety.

Luo Luo's eyes sparkled with a mix of relief and curiosity. "Oh, I really hope so because that last question was really tough, wasn't it? I thought the answer was Rare but I'm not sure."

She held an uneasy tone in her voice seemingly doubting her efforts.

Seeking to console her, I offered, "Your estimation of the answer wasn't far off the mark. It is commendable, and I'm sure they would give a half mark if it's close enough."

She nodded in understanding, commiserating with the sentiment. Luo Luo's next statement caught my attention though.

"Oh, by the way, someone else finished early too," Luo Luo added, her tone tinged with intrigue. "This person completed the exam in just an hour!"

Surprised by this news, I asked, "Who was it? And an hour? That's impressive."

Luo Luo supplied additional detail, "He's around our age and comes from a well-known family of prodigies. Quite a remarkable individual don't you think so Li Wen."

Curiosity piqued, and I wondered who this person could be. The exam had proven to be quite challenging, with less than half of the students managing to complete the entire paper within the provided time limit.

However, I wasn't particularly shocked by this fact as in this novel there were many geniuses that Li Wei came across in his journey.

As we strolled out of the school's entrance, it became evident that numerous pairs of eyes were fixated on us. Amidst this attention, we encountered a group that deliberately obstructed our path. Dressed in outfits adorned with opulent jewellery, they seemed to radiate an air of higher social status.

"Hey, aren't you the kid who finished 30 minutes early?" asked a taller girl, appearing older, possibly around 17 years old, her curiosity visible in her expression.

On edge by the sudden appearance of an unfamiliar group of people, I managed to maintain composure and calmly replied, "Yes, that's correct. Why do you ask?"

The girl's lips curved into a smile. "Oh, it's just that everyone's been talking about how someone so...young managed to finish so early.

By the way, which family do you come from?"

Casting a glance at Luo Luo, we unexpectedly shared a laugh. This seemed to slightly ruffle the girl and her companions uncomfortably.

Another taller individual stepped forward, his tone carrying a passive-aggressive edge. "What's so amusing? Are you from some renowned family or something?"

Responding with a blend of seriousness and playfulness, I offered, "Well, if you really must know, I'm an orphan. So, the 'family' I'd be referring to would be...my orphanage. Although it's probably more infamous than famous!"

As the orphanage was known for mistreating orphans, using them as cleaners and often making sure to exploit them if they get anything from sponsors.

So Luo Luo and Ling Er couldn't help but chuckle at my sarcastic remark.

The guy appeared somewhat flustered as their group dispersed. Moving on, we journeyed in our direction, feeling the weight of their lingering gazes. Yet, their presence failed to disturb me, as I perceived no genuine threat from them.

Later on, as we headed back to the orphanage we made sure to take a route so we wouldn't encounter any more people.

As we went back to the orphanage, it seemed that Mr Long – as I had agreed to call him as calling him by his name was not too strange butit was too informal, even though he was only around 35 so fairly young and a couple years older than my original age.

This is why I had spoken informally as I must've forgotten that I was only 15. I probably shouldn't act too mature and attract unwanted attention like today.

Mr Long was waiting at the door as we arrived, "Mr Long, you won't believe it! Li Wen finished only 30 minutes early!" Luo Luo spoke in enthusiasm for me proudly.

Mr Long bewildered by what he had just heard,

"Only thirty minutes," he repeated almost unsure of what to say, "That's a remarkable achievement, I must say Li Wen you must be a genius of this generation."

I exclaimed cheerfully, "I guess this makes your investment worth it Mr Long!"

He grinned in response, "Yes indeed it was!"

2 Weeks later . . .

We had gotten accustomed to a new and finer way of life where we didn't need to clean anymore as Mr Long had hired cleaners. We got meals and snacks and even got to learn some things from Mr Long. He even told us how to dig and find ellipsis - an elixir low grade durability pill ingredient as it looked like any normal wild root. That it had violet roots. It also had medicinal uses. As low grade ingredients for pills were more common they were often used in supplements.

Mr Long sat all 3 of us down one day, Ling Er, Luo Luo and me.

"I have news to tell you guys..." Mr Long said calmly holding 3 pieces of paper in his hand.

Ling Er interrupted eagerly, "It's the exam result! Finally, I've been asking for ages! Tell me, what did I get!"

Luo Luo glared at Ling Er, "Mr Long take your time in telling us, and why should you be the first Ling Er it should be Li Wen as she probably did the best!"

Ling Er shrugged in response eagerly awaiting Mr Long's reply.

"Well I haven't looked at the scores either but since you are so eager," as he took out Ling Er's paper results, "Ling Er, you got 406 out of 800. You passed, well done." Mr Long smiled at him.

Ling Er looked elated yet quite unsatisfied though he seemed to be engulfed in relief that he has luckily managed to pass by a few marks.

Luo seemed less expectant yet seemed to be hopeful.

Mr Long looked at Luo Luo impressed, before announcing her score, "Luo Luo well done. You got 695 out of 800. You passed and... Are even in the top 10."

I hugged Luo Luo as she cheered in joy, it seemed that she had never anticipated getting such a high scored l felt proud looking at Mr Long turns out my intuition was right.

Mr Long took out my paper, then he stared at it doubtfully his eyes scanning the page. More and more doubt entered his face, he brought it close to his eyes frowning in perplexity.

"It can't be...how..."

He almost stuttered in utter shock, it seemed that I must've done exceptionally well I considered I must've got 750 or something which is one of the highest entry scores.

Me and Luo Luo looked at each other curiously.

"Come on Mr Long, why won't you tell us Li Wen's score it's not like she full score or something" Ling Er impatiently asked in a joking tone.

However Mr Long shot him a guilty look saying,

"She did... she got a full score 800 out of 800... she ranked number 1 getting the highest score ever recorded in the history of Mortal farming school exams..." Mr Long gasped, still in disbelief, as even he hadn't anticipated this.

"Li Wen, well done. I can't belive it, I honestly don't know what to say." He chimed proudly tapping my head gently.

Even I couldn't believe it, (well I mean a part of me had partially expected this). I guess me being the author did know everything about my story, happy to know my knowledge of my novel was going to help me enormously. Yet might also attract the wrong crowds towards me.