An unfamiliar stolen memory

As time seemed to slow down, almost like a scene captured in slow motion...

A small girl with rosy red cheeks lit up with a radiant smile. Her fluffy yet silky black hair danced gently on her shoulders, and her ember eyes, slightly tinged with red, carried a fierce intensity that opposed her tender age.

The lady who held her shared the same long, jet-black hair, meticulously styled in a traditional Chinese fashion. She was adorned in a graceful, flowing gown adorned with intricate designs that spoke of a rich cultural heritage.

The lady lovingly lifted the child into her arms, playfully swinging her around as the child's joyful laughter filled the air. Giggles and squeals of delight escaped the child's lips as she relished this cherished moment.

Eventually, the child's playfulness led her outdoors, where she moved with the grace and innocence of a butterfly in flight.

However, her carefree exploration was momentarily halted as she bumped into the legs of a tall, mature-looking man.

She looked up at him with pure, unwavering affection, her eyes brimming with the boundless love she held for this man.

To the child, this man was none other than her father, a figure she adored with all her heart. Yet, the man met her gaze with a stoic, almost chilling coldness.

He didn't spare her a second look, as though in his world, she was but a fleeting, insignificant presence—a stark contrast to the deep affection she felt for him.

A cold distinct feeling crept into her heart, this man was her father. Why did he not love her? Was it because she wasn't as capable as the others?

Wait, but what about others...

Who am I?

Just like that, everything went black.

All of a sudden I woke up, a cold shiver trickling down my neck, in reaction to the cold breeze blowing at me through the small part of the window left open. I got off my bed and walked to the other side of the room to close the window.

Suddenly I realised the dream I had, it was such a strange dream and seemed like a foreign memory. I remembered being lifted up by this woman, and being looked at with such revolt at this man.

When I had thought about it for too long it came to me that it must be an early memory of the child's body I'm inhabiting.

I felt guilty that I had taken the place of this girl, but she had probably died when she had hurt her head which was the typical style of transmigration novels. I know that in the transmigration novels, they would get used to their body immediately, but in a way, it felt unrealistic when reading it.

This body still felt extremely unfamiliar to the point I felt slightly uncomfortable with the change. I mean I had transitioned from being a full adult to a kid!

I still felt like knowing more about the child's background would benefit me, so I hoped to have more dreams similar to this.

All of a sudden, Luo Luo charged in through the door with a face brimming with excitement and anticipation. She took hold of me quickly saying, "Li Wen you must come right now?! You won't believe it!"

Luo was normally more laid back and mature and had a more eloquent yet calm personality. However, I'd never seen her in such a state of elation and happiness, she was smiling from ear to ear.

"Believe what? " I tilted my head in response, slightly bewildered by her hyperactive behaviour and excitement.

"The uniform! It has come!" She chimed happily before dragging me with her as we descended the spiral of stairs.

Below us, I could see a gold hanger with what seemed to be the outline of clothes in a silvery metallic case. 3 rows of clothes were hung onto the golden rack.

Me, Luo Luo and even Ling Er looked eagerly at it as we impatiently waited for the uniform. I was extremely eager to see my own creation in real life, I remembered lightly describing the uniform. It's blue and, metal rims outlined the collars and it looked neat and professional on whoever wore it.

Then Mr Long came through the door out of his office into the hallway, seeing us like three little puppies eagerly waiting for their owner.

"I see that the uniform has arrived, well let's go open it shall we."

Mr Long individually handed each and every one of us the shiny metallic hanger which took core strength to hold.

As all three of us at our own paces opened the buckler of the hanger, revealing a light, vibrantly coloured array of uniforms. A vivid light orange button-up shirt with golden buttons and a tight autumn-coloured orange skirt.

This seemed to be a comfortable length, according to Luo Luo, however, to me was slightly on the shorter side.

On the other hand, Long Er's uniform was a complimentary set of an orange shirt and scarlet trousers. All of the shirts were made out of a fine silk material, which slid off your fingers with ease.

Along with thick, long, knee socks which reached my thighs, with a striped red and intricately laced orange pattern on the lining of the socks.

Even I was in awe of the creation I had made through letters and words, it was beautiful and simply a complimentary set of uniforms in which the colours which radiated from it expressed the school's uniqueness.

I had thought suddenly, that just as God created man he had gifted us with the art and tools to create things of our own. That day I went to bed, and I whispered a prayer of thanks to God.

Out of all the millions and billions of people on earth had picked me, a girl aged with lines of distraught days of sadness and spite of the life she was living.

Who, though despite her hardships, still lived a better life than the homeless in the underground tunnels, and those who bypassed her on the street who possibly led a more monotonous and spiteful life than she ever had.

Yet, from the many regrets that I had, I knew that I would not find peace on earth till the day I saw my brother again. Knowing that my brother is worlds away made me less fortunate yet within the creation I made, it made me hopeful. Hopeful to see him again. To see him smiling...

The next day...

School was tomorrow, my first day of Mortal Farming school, which I highly anticipated. Though I did not go into detail in the beginning arc of the story, I recalled the process of making the realms and the schools in each of them. This school wasn't a particularly important feature in my novel so held little importance overall.

When I made the initial story plan and ideas for each of the settings, I played around a lot, not focusing on too many details of the less important states and realms.

However, I think there are certain characters who are particularly important who come from this school, 4 to be exact, though for some strange reason I couldn't remember all of them. This character was one of my favourite side characters. Viola Song.

I didn't know when I would meet her, but I couldn't wait because I had described her as possessing indescribable beauty and charm as a student who was famous for her unmatched skills and honed abilities.

This also gave more flare to her unrealistic visuals in which I often compared to famous idol singers in my world. I wondered how she would look and how her personality would come out like.

Quite unlike her definitive dark beauty, she was a bubbly and charming individual who was too smart for her light hearted attitude, yet she was also like a camelion who changed her colours of the person she was in front of.

She was a complex character in the draft-making process, but later on I had established her to have a brighter personality.

Who knows though, this world seems to take my creations into their own hands and make them more detailed then how I created them. Or rather, my characters become more complex becuses they are now living breathing human beings... Like me.

A quaint, distant feeling of threat, almost the feeling that something or someone is going to surprise me, though it was my story it wasn't perfect. There was also one person, like an anomaly I had added so very recently to the early chapters. A character so complex yet simple but cold, one that I felt I had to be cautious about-.

So suddenly, rattling my continuous train of thoughts.

"Li Wen! Come, it's dinner time."