What... is the Purpose of My Deal?

The principal's eyes narrowed, clearly considering the weight of my words. He leaned back in his chair, the tension in the room thickening as he processed my offer. I could almost see the wheels turning in his mind, calculating the risks and rewards. 

His voice dripped with scepticism as he asked, "And what makes you think you can succeed where others have failed?" He laughed lightly.

"I have my methods, and the less you know the more it will shock you when I show you my results," I replied, my tone unwavering. "And I believe in Jun. He has the potential to be one of the greatest cultivators this school has ever seen. He just needs the right guidance."

I spoke confidently despite feeling internally conflicted about the impulsiveness of my decisions.

The principal studied me for a long moment, then sighed. "You drive a hard bargain, Li Wen. But if you fail, the consequences of this deal will be severe. Jun's future may be an enigma for now but his place at our school is secure, but it is you, Li Wen, who will face expulsion.

The principal leaned back in his chair, his expression stern. "There are two more conditions," he said. "First, you must rank no lower than third in every exam and complete these training tasks in your own time, and the same applies to Jun.

Secondly, if you fail, for every cost incurred for training purposes, you—or rather, your sponsor—will have to pay three times the amount. This is non-negotiable."

I was slightly surprised by the fact he went along with all my ridiculous requests, even though he made some rather interesting requests too.

Abruptly, the principal broke into a small fit of laughter. "Ah! You remind me so much of myself, so daring and brave. Despite your stature, you don't flinch or even blink to ensure no weakness is shown. What a peculiar child you are. I'm starting to question whether you're truly a child."

Still softly chuckling while leaning back into his chair, he thought, "It's been a while since I've been entertained by a deal, especially one proposed by a child.

It excites me to see the progress you might make, though it won't be the ridiculous feat she's expecting. It's good for a child like you to be humbled, or you may not survive in the future. I see no reason why I should disagree with this deal, Li Wen, since the outcome is already obvious."

"So... Deal," I said, extending my hand.

The principal shook it, his grip firm and steady. "Deal... but remember Li Wen, this is not just about Jun. You are playing a dangerous game, and there are forces at work here that you do not fully understand."

"I understand enough," I replied. "And I am prepared for whatever comes my way," I said confidently while swiftly getting up from the seat, only this time it wasn't a bluff.

Finally, he nodded. "Very well. You have 18 months to prove yourself. I will print a copy of the details of our deal, and tomorrow it will be finalized with a physical copy of the deal to ensure no way for you to back out. For now, it's late, so I suggest you return to your dorm."

Just as my hand reached out to the smoothly curved and polished doorknob, I said one thing before I left, "Okay, sir, but one thing you should know is that when I make a deal, I will do everything possible to achieve it. Goodnight."

The audible shut of the door felt like the closing of a book. My knees instantly crumbled to the floor, the weight of the moment hitting me all at once.

My heart raced, and I took in heavy breaths, the adrenaline slowly ebbing away to reveal the deep and serious tension that had filled the room moments before.

How did I even survive that?

The confrontation with the principal had been intense, a battle of wills and negotiations where every word carried weight.

I had stood my ground, challenging the authority with determination and resolve I didn't know I even possessed.

But now, in the aftermath, the reality set in.

I felt a mix of anxiety and determination. The stakes were incredibly high, and I knew the challenges ahead would be immense. But I was ready to face them head-on.

Jun's future at the school would remain secure, but my place here was on the line. I had to prove that my decision was worth it and that I could make a difference.

The first thing I knew I had to do was ask Jun about his ability and what he was capable of which made the principal consider resorting to violence.

I probably wouldn't be able to see him now since it was very late and everyone was sleeping. I didn't want to get in trouble for being out this late.

Back in the dormitory, the atmosphere was hushed, the corridors dimly lit by the moonlight filtering through the windows. It was late, well past the usual hour for students to be out and about.

As I walked quietly through the halls, my mind raced with thoughts of the deal I had just struck with the principal. I found Jun in the training yard, practising his swordsmanship with a long stick with fierce intensity.

 He moved with precision and power, each strike deliberate and controlled. Yet, there was an underlying control of intensity that hinted at deeper potential.

The training yard was eerily quiet as I approached. Moonlight cast long shadows across the open space where Jun stood, practising alone under the watchful eyes of the night sky. 

Despite his cold demeanour and the sometimes unnerving aura he exuded, I knew I had to approach him directly.

If I was to be his mentor, I couldn't afford to hesitate or show fear.

Gathering my resolve, I stepped closer, my footsteps barely making a sound on the soft grass.

"Jun," I called out softly, not wanting to startle him. He paused mid-strike, turning to face me with a guarded expression. Through the darkness, he came closer his expression relaxing at the sight of my face.

"I need to discuss something very important," I continued, keeping my voice steady.

To avoid patrolling guards, we stood under the shelter of an immense tree. Despite my nervousness. Jun regarded me with curiosity, and I sensed a hint of wariness in his eyes. 

"I'm listening," he replied patiently and calmly, his voice carrying an edge that hinted at anticipation.

Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I began, "It's about the deal the principal made with Mistress Wang Fei, and how it involves you."

Jun's eyes narrowed, and I could sense the thoughts churning in his mind as he asked with sharpness, "Why are you bringing it up now? I thought you kept it a secret." His voice was tinged with suspicion.

"I did keep it a secret, mostly," I replied honestly, trying to navigate his distrust. "I only approached the principal about it without revealing how I found out or that you were involved."

Jun remained silent, his expression a mix of confusion, distrust, and strange patience that hinted at his willingness to hear me out.

I recounted everything that had transpired in the principal's office, carefully choosing my words to convey the gravity of the situation without revealing the principal's exact intentions towards him.

When I finished, Jun's demeanour didn't change much; his usual blunt and unreadable expression persisted. He absorbed the information quietly, processing it in his own way.

"Why are you doing all this?" Jun finally asked, his voice quiet yet probing. "Using me to make a statement or to satisfy your curiosity?"

I shook my head vehemently. "No, that's not it at all," I clarified, my voice firm with determination as I leaned back against the trunk of the tree in distress, the dark waves of my hair clouding my face as I thought of a response.

"I... just can't stand by and watch someone be treated with such disrespect and disregard. I don't want to sound like a hero or make you think I'm doing charity. I just believe it's not right."

Well, I wasn't completely dishonest because, despite benefiting from this, I gained new information about him and even the principal, but it only made actually want to help him out of pure goodness.

Jun's eyes briefly shimmered with an unreadable emotion, but he looked away before I could decipher it. Just as quickly, he reverted to his usual demeanour, his guard back up.

To reassure him further, I added with a zealous tone, "Plus, despite the things I can gain from this, I have a lot more to lose."

"Like what?" Jun pried curiously.

I bluntly responded, "Well, I could get expelled if I fail."

Jun looked at me blankly almost dumbfounded with the stupidity of my decision, "You... you're something else."

I smiled and said, "Well, you're not the first one to say that. Despite how this may sound, to reassure you that I can help, you need to tell me exactly what this ability of yours is that I'm dealing with."