Chapter 25: Iron Mouth Pan Fugui

In the busy streets, various shops and roadside stalls bustled with noise and the shouting of vendors as people came and went continuously.

"Pancakes! Freshly made pancakes!"

"Tofu! Tofu! Just freshly ground!"

"Fortune telling! Our ancestral divination skill, just ten copper coins each time, if it's not accurate, it's free!"

Zhao Huai was passing by, leisurely strolling in the direction of the pawnshop, tossing copper coins in his hand.

Today's luck was pretty good, full of "blessings," but there hasn't been any life-changing events yet. Truly contradictory.

Suddenly, Zhao Huai was stopped by an old man at a roadside stall.

The old man was wearing a hemp brown long shirt, his facial wrinkles piled up, and his hair was visibly graying.

He kept muttering as he spoke:

"Ancestral divination! Young sir, won't you calculate your destiny? It's such a shame if you don't!"

Zhao Huai quietly shook off the man's hand and expressionlessly said: