Chapter 57: So That's What Kind of Bird You Are

Zhao Huai's cooking may not be top-notch, but at least he has the skills to cook up a full table of dishes.

After half an hour of bustle, all dishes were finally ready.

"This smells so good, indeed my husband," said Yu Qinghan, inhaling the aroma and showing a delightful smile of praise.

Zhao Huai wiped the sweat off his forehead and laughed, "Let's eat while it's hot; especially this fried fish in black bean sauce, I guarantee it'll suit your taste."

Pei Xiangyun's eyes revealed a hint of surprise as she looked at the full table of dishes.

She hadn't expected her sister's words to be true.

She hadn't met many men who could cook in her life, excluding the servants.

Now, she seemed to understand why her sister liked him.

Even her mother rarely cooked, and when her father was away at war years ago, they seldom had meals together, let alone cook for each other.

Initially, she thought her sister learning to cook was just a waste of time. How naive that thought was now.