Chapter 42: The Death of the Young Master of Jinzhou Pawnshop (Seeking Subscription!!)

At this moment, at the junction of the inner and outer city of Jinzhou.

Zhao Huai, who was walking on the road, suddenly stopped, slightly raising his handsome face under the bamboo hat, and an expression of hesitation appeared on his face.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

Ever since he had bid farewell to Yan Jing yesterday, and Qiu Yueqing had not returned all night, he had been restless when he left the house this morning.

The last time he had experienced such a situation was when he faced the Demon King, but even that had not been as intense as this time.

He could clearly hear the sound of his own heartbeat, pounding strongly and persistently, as if it would leap out of his chest the next second.

"Is my mind so tense because of Madam?"

Zhao Huai muttered to himself.

Having learned from his previous experience, now at home, he felt that something was missing if he couldn't see Madam.

Perhaps because of this, his nerves were so taut.