Chapter 43: Conditions for being an Emperor, Zhao Huai's Golden Cicada Escape, Dispute over the Ancestral Artifact (Request for Monthly Tickets at the end of the month!!)

"Birdie, what's wrong?"

Yu Qinghan stretched out her slender jade finger, allowing the white-haired mynah to come onto her hand, her phoenix eyes revealing confusion.

"Find sister."

"Husband in danger."

The mynah spoke human language, repeating what it had heard.

Hearing these two sentences, Yu Qinghan's eyes revealed slight shock.

Her husband is back?!

This was her first reaction.

But soon she realized something.

Her husband is in danger?

How could that be possible upon thinking about it?

When her husband was in the capital city, even opponents at the Golden Core Realm couldn't stand against him, who in the mortal world could match him?

However, the mynah's words indicated that something had indeed happened.

"Xiang Yun... what on earth happened."

Yu Qinghan murmured under her breath, worried for Xiang Yun's safety.

What kind of situation had she encountered, that she didn't even have time to write a message and had to use the mynah to deliver the news?