Chapter 43: Conditions to become an Emperor, Zhao Huai's Golden Cicada Escape, the Battle for Ancestral Weapon (Seeking monthly ticket at the end of the month!!)_3

"Who is she to my senior, that she's crying even harder than me?"

Li Yanqing thought to himself.

"No, I can't cry anymore. Only children cry. My brother-in-law wouldn't want to see me like this."

Pei Xiangyun wiped tears from the corner of her eyes and sniffed, determinedly saying, "I have to tell my sister about this news so she can find someone from Limitless Immortal Sect to avenge my brother-in-law!"

Only someone from the Immortal Sect could deal with this devil, who was an incredibly terrifying power.

"Brother-in-law, take care, and wait for my return."

Before leaving, Pei Xiangyun softly spoke to Zhao Huai, who lay on the ground with his eyes closed.

She then said to Li Yanqing next to her:

"Hey, Mister Li, I'm leaving my brother-in-law in your care. No mistakes allowed."

Li Yanqing was taken aback when he heard her call out to him.

How did she know his family name?