Chapter 2: Be Prepared for Dangers in Times of Peace; Auspicious Snow and A Year of Abundance_3

"Indeed, besides, since we've retired as former ministers, how can we return to the Imperial Court?"

A few elders stepped forward and loudly advised.

Yu Qinghan's phoenix eyes swept over them indifferently and said,

"The Northern Wolf has already reached our door, do you want me to recommence the civil service examinations? Let the former ministers fill the vacant positions."

"Since ancient times, monarchs who have been entrusted with the responsibility to rejuvenate their nations have always ruled the world side by side with virtuous men."

"What's wrong with old age for the wise? As long as they are capable, they shall be promoted on their merits; I will employ them all."

"As for you all, you constantly make things difficult, ignoring my orders and rebutting them. Is it truly for the nation and the people, or do you have ulterior motives?"

Being questioned and scolded by Yu Qinghan, several elders were suddenly speechless, unable to respond.