Chapter 5: Spiritual Mountains Thunder Tribulation

Immortal Calendar 865.

April 7th.

A pitch-black thundercloud appeared above the Spiritual Mountains, and the rumbling sound of it brewing could be heard by all the Immortal Sect disciples around the Spiritual Mountains.

It spanned thousands of li, an overwhelming force that drew the attention of all the Immortal Sects. Many ancestors opened their eyes and looked towards the summit of the Limitless Immortal Sect.

A third of the Spiritual Mountains was shrouded in thunderclouds, rendering people insignificant before the might of the tribulation.

"Who's making a breakthrough?"

"Can anyone really survive such a terrifying tribulation?"


Among the three thousand Immortal Peaks of the Limitless Immortal Sect, countless disciples looked up at the thundercloud above the central Immortal Peak.

"That's the location of Limitless Peak, it's the Sect Hierarch!"

"What? The Sect Hierarch made a breakthrough!"