Chapter 39: I Am Now Unbeatable in This World

Heavenly Devil Palace.

Located within a vast dark world.

A bloody moon hung high in the sky, with countless palaces scattered among the complex and intricate ravines and valleys.

The largest of them was a black palace suspended in mid-air.

Demonbred Situ Huan meandered through the long corridor of massive statues with bizarre poses on both sides and arrived at the edge of an abyssal cliff of Devil Mountain.

The cliff was so deep that the bottom was not visible, engulfed in the darkness and permeated with the miasma of evil spirits.

He knelt respectfully and said:

"Master Lord, the Crown Prince of Yan Country has issued an edict. The grand scheme of your rebirth has taken another step forward."

From the deep darkness came a low human voice, along with the sound of dragging chains.

"It's the Edict of Ancestor Yan Zu, it's been a thousand years."