Chapter 41: Rebirth Realm Divine Skills, Expansion and Upgrade of the Small World, The Disturbed Black Dragon

Yan Manor courtyard, on the balustrade of a towering carved tower.

Granny Su Li and Yang Biao were gazing down from above, their eyes casually watching the bustling street and the flickering rainbow in the sky, without rashly intervening.

Zhao Huai had once told them that this provocation was targeted at the Yan Country. The opponents had sent several unfathomable cultivators lurking outside the Nanyu Prefecture who would besiege him the moment he appeared.

So the task of these two was to hold those people back.

Granny Su Li's Divine Insight was boundless, she stared at the sky for a long time and then said with a satisfied smile:

"Multitasking with three flying swords at the same time, the Royal Crown Prince's talent in sword skill is unparalleled, and he is not far from achieving Sword Saint."