Chapter 43: The Xia's Empress, My Wife! _3

Fortunately, the Imperial Guards were carefully selected from the elite of the Changning Imperial Army and were relatively loyal. Without much hesitation, they led the middle-aged Imperial Censor away.

As the middle-aged Imperial Censor was being taken away, he shouted skyward:

"I think Your Majesty should be well aware of who the father of the child is. This matter is truly a absurdity! It's the disgrace of our Xia Country!"

Yu Qinghan's expression was solemn as she called over several commanders of the Black Guards and instructed:

"I will give you six hours to investigate the origin of this rumor in the capital city. There must be no mistakes!"


The Black Guard commanders took the order and left.

During these six hours, Yu Qinghan felt as if every day was a year.

She found that the speed of the news dissemination was even faster than she had imagined!