Chapter 51: I am the Wife Supporting Man of Xia Country

Next day.

Unconsciously, it was daylight. The sunlight filtered through the window paper, sprinkling on the luxurious main hall without any noise. Only the sleeping incense rose from the bronze beast incense burner on the dressing table.

Zhao Huai woke up groggily from the bed. He swore he hadn't slept this well in a long time, and had dreamless night. Sensing the light before his eyes, Zhao opened his eyes to see the golden silk canopy overhead and bright yellow quilt covering his body.

It was only when he turned around and saw the smooth fair shoulder next to him that he remembered what had happened the day before.

Yesterday, he had confronted the ministers of the Xia Country in the Imperial Court and left them speechless.

Subsequently, an agreement was successfully reached between Yan Country and Xia Country.

Even Madam had to admire him for that.