Chapter 81: Miracle Descends, Crow Immortal Arrives

Underneath Cairo Capital.

Zhao Huai concentrated a flame in his palm as he explored the pitch-black underground labyrinth.

Yin Nanyu said this place still had traces of the human race, but it was all underground, so Zhao Huai had no choice but to explore. If there were any surviving cultivators from the Shenluo Empire, they might know what had happened to the empire back then.

On the left and right sides of the underground labyrinth were collapsed ancient buildings, and many special symbols were engraved on the palaces, seeming like the emblem of a certain influence.

Leading in the front, Yin Nanyu recognized them immediately and explained:

"These symbols are the mark of the Sorceress Ancient Sect. The Sorceress is the ancient god worshiped by the Shenluo Empire. The sacrificial texts above are covered in dust and seems like the Shenluo cultivators wanted to summon the Sorceress into their world to save the empire back then, but unfortunately, they failed."