Chapter 93: Devil Sect Turmoil, Zhao Huai Saves the Girl

The sky is azure, a vast expanse of blue.

On a warship belonging to the Devil Sect, a young devil cultivator stood before Situ Huan, respectfully saluting him.

"Respected Demonbred, Wuwei City is right ahead, and once we pass it, we will officially leave the Central State."


Situ Huan responded indifferently, glancing at the sleeping Zhao Ruyue nearby. He tightened his grip on the bloody bottle in his hand and stored it in the Demon Ring.

To keep her quiet, he had knocked her unconscious and taken some of her essence and blood in hopes of weakening the seal. It seemed there were no issues so far.

To break the seal, a large amount of blood from the descendants of Ancestor Yan Zu needs to be sacrificed to eradicate the seal completely.

What would the others in Heaven and Earth be worth if the Devil Lord were to be born?