Chapter 80: Life is lonely like snow, only the unique fragrance can appreciate itself.

The girl thought she had misheard, but Vincent's expression clearly indicated that he had indeed said that.

Just as she wanted to say something, she heard the mechanical electronic eyes in the sky announcing that the teams should prepare to enter the arena.

Judge Shelton's voice rang out.

"Round One, Match One: Los Angeles's First Beast Master High School vs Los Angeles Pharmacist University!"

"Please proceed to the designated competition venue as soon as possible. The match will officially begin in ten minutes!"

"Is it already my turn for the first match?" Vincent was a little surprised upon hearing this, but he didn't say much and directly went to the designated position.

In the VIP seats, Brad Winter said to Aiden Winter: "Elon, it's no fun to interfere like this. We said it would be a random draw, fair and just. But now, you've arranged for your grandson to be the first one on stage."