Chapter 84: Double Casting, Activating Second Gear

"So what are the Beast-controlling Talents of the opponents?"

"How come these two matches haven't come across any opponents using Beast-controlling Talents?"

"Or did they use it and I just didn't notice?"

As the battle ended, Los Angeles Combat University went to the Preparation Room to rest and recover the energy consumed during the competition.

After half an hour, Judge Shelton's voice sounded over the speaker in the Preparation Room.

"Finals: Los Angeles's First Beast Master High School vs Los Angeles Combat University!"

"Please proceed to the designated Competition Venue as soon as possible; the match will officially begin in 10 minutes!"

When Vincent Wolf arrived at the designated location, he saw that the opposite side was already prepared and waiting for the match to begin.

He also released Barry and quietly waited for the game to begin together with his opponent.