Chapter 90: Monarch-level Evil Beast Master

Just like the previous two days, Vincent Wolf had the tool Charm Demon gather information for him during the simulation as usual.

This time, after the simulation ended, Vincent chose to obtain memory.

After getting the memory he wanted, Vincent rubbed his head.

"I only figured out the gathering point, but there's no more accurate information? I don't even know their exact strength, numbers, or if there are any hidden sentries."

"If we accidentally alert them, not only is it dangerous, but it will also be more difficult to find them again."

Vincent patted the Dragon Town in his pocket.

"Uncle Cartwright, do you have any skills to conceal your aura, preferably able to deceive those at the advanced master-level beast trainer's level?"

Dragon Town didn't know what Vincent wanted to do, but still answered:

"Yes, I have an Intermediate Skill, [Stealth], which I have mastered. Even if there is a Monarch-level existence, as long as they are not careful, I can deceive them."