Chapter 115: Professional Beastmaster Certificate Exam

"Maybe I should really go to Kyoto City and take a look. My cheap old dad died there too, and there's the Shadow Demon Domain. Maybe I'll have to go there later. It's better to check it out first."

Vincent Wolf thought a lot in his mind, and finally decided to follow the two grandmasters.

Instead of going to that unfamiliar place alone later, it's better to follow someone who can show him around first.

At least there's some safety guarantee.

Moreover, he could inquire about Dragon Town's evolution.

"By the way, kid, you'd better contract a second pet beast as soon as possible." Aiden Winter thought of something and said to Vincent Wolf.

"Why, is something wrong?"

"Nothing serious, mainly because the professional Beastmaster Certificate Exam in the Beast Tamer Association is about to start soon."

"Professional Beastmaster Certificate Exam?"

Vincent Wolf thought for a moment and calculated the time. It would indeed start in a few days.