Chapter 163: Number 088 and Number 066

No wonder the exam candidates reacted this way.

Pet beasts with a species level of lower-level commanders or higher usually have very high spiritual wisdom, and they will choose their own masters; it's not like anyone with money can just buy one and contract them.

Moreover, every higher-level pet beast is treated as a treasure and won't be easily released.

In Los Angeles, having a pet beast of the low-level commander species level already surpasses over 90% of professional beast tamers.

Let alone two levels higher - the high-level commanders.

Even the examiners were shocked by Henry Stanford.

"High-Level Commander, Flame Dungeon Elf... This must be Henry Stanford from Los Angeles Combat University," The Male examiner turned and spoke to the female examiner next to him.

The female examiner checked the Flame Dungeon Elf's information on the computer and nodded.

"Yes, that's him. He's one of the top contenders for the championship this time."