Chapter 178: Semi-Finals_2

"I've improved so quickly all thanks to my unyielding efforts and a bit of help from my Beast-controlling Talent."

"I would advise everyone not to contract Slime beasts. After all, not every Beast Master can train Slimes as well as I can. Everyone should strive to contract stronger pet beasts that more closely match their own preferences and talents."

After chatting with everyone for a while, Zoey Green began to drive the students away.

"Everyone, please enter the actual combat stadium as soon as possible and do not hinder other candidates and their families outside! Vincent is about to participate in the competition, so please stop disturbing him while he prepares!"

Zoey Green's reputation as an actual combat classes and training class teacher definitely had a powerful Intimidation, directly making the surrounding students obediently head towards the actual combat stadium.

"Vincent, how did you do it? What's the secret? Can you teach me?"