Chapter 183: Mysterious Skill

Upon hearing Vincent's command, Barry immediately activated his Intimidation, Frenzy, Amplification, Iron Will, and Death Corrosion skills and used Charge to rush straight towards the Earth-splitting Bear!

With a series of powerful buffs, Barry now stood four meters tall, surrounded by energy waves mixed with faint red and specks ofblack. His proficiency in Intimidation made him extremely imposing.

Just seeing Barry charging towards them, Jony Aaron and the Earth-splitting Bear felt their hearts tremble.

"Earth-splitting Bear, Rock Shield! Mechanical Armament, Thermal Energy Burst!"

Following Jony Aaron's command, all the surrounding rocks converged in front of the Earth-splitting Bear, and the red gem on its mechanical armament shone brilliantly. The entire steel armor was covered in a layer of red light.

Barry disregarded the rock shield in front and charged straight towards it!
