Chapter 202: Instant Step

However, Vincent Wolf had already contracted Flora Gates, and it would still be a while before he reached the Master-level Beast Master rank. He didn't need any new pet beasts at the moment.

And pet beasts kept at home still cost money to cultivate!

Just feeding them would cost a lot of money, not to mention anything else.

It wasn't that Vincent Wolf couldn't get a better pet beast, he just didn't have to have this particular one.

He was even thinking about trying Dimensional Summoning later to see if he could summon something more advanced.

"President Wright, I'll choose the second, third, and fourth options." After making up his mind, Vincent Wolf said to President Wright.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to choose the Beast Technique. It doesn't seem to be good value for money." President Wright was somewhat surprised.

"I can't help it, I already have too many pet beasts to raise, and a few more would eat me out of house and home." Vincent Wolf made a sad face.