Chapter 235: Obtaining the Space Blade_2


Vincent Wolf looked at President Wright with some contempt.

This old man really got to him this time!

So, he came for money!

"Mr Wright, since this [Space Blade] is so valuable, I won't strive for it. I can't afford such a high-end Beast Technique. So, I won't bother you any longer, I'll be leaving now."

Seeing that Vincent Wolf was about to leave, President Wright became a bit restless.

"You rascal! You think 50 million is too much! You have so much money, 50 million is just a drop in the bucket for you. This [Space Blade] in my hand has killed countless Demonic Beast Masters, even a Dominator Level Evil Beast Master was taken down by it, you actually don't want to spend 50 million to buy it!"

Vincent Wolf, who had taken two or three steps back, stopped abruptly as he heard what President Wright said.

Good Lord!

It has even killed a Dominator!
