Chapter 238: Find an Assistant_2

"Guess why I'm here? Of course, I'm here for you." Vincent Wolf winked at Miyazaki Sahui.

Originally, Vincent Wolf just wanted to tease her a bit.

But who would have guessed that Sahui would freeze for two seconds, her recently recovered face turning red again, as if she was about to steam up. Her body stiffened, and she started to fall over backward.

"What's happening!"

Vincent Wolf hurriedly steadied her. However, Miyazaki Sahui's eyes were already spinning, and she seemed to have lost consciousness.

"Barry! Spitting Water!"

Barry quickly sprayed water on Miyazaki Sahui's face. The cool water pillar instantly cooled down Sahui's overheated brain, helping her regain her consciousness.

"You you you you you..."

"Stop stuttering! Even though I didn't come to the Archipelago Alliance specifically for you, isn't it obvious that I appeared here to find you? Why would you react so strongly!"