Chapter 237 Hundred Ghosts Gathering

"Ah? Is your participation in the patrol team all voluntary?"

"That's right. Once you reach the professional beast tamer stage, you must join a patrol team at least once. Of course, if you're rich, you can buy your way out of it, but if you're not, that option's off the table."

Seems like this sort of thing is inescapable everywhere.

As Vincent Wolf was grumbling, he noticed the staff beginning to announce.

"Attention all passengers! The transmission array will be activated in one minute! Please hold your passage orders tightly, prepare for teleportation, and have a pleasant journey. We look forward to seeing you again!"

A tumultuous roar!

A massive hum came from beneath his feet, and Vincent could feel a slight tremor. The surrounding transmission array began to light up from outside in, and rumbling sounds came from below as if something was in motion there.

Vincent looked around and noticed that everyone else was calm, clearly already accustomed to this.