Chapter 109: Squeeze the System for Benefits Whenever Possible

"What she's going through is her own business since she chose that man and gave birth to that child. It's only right that she faces the consequences. The reason I'm telling you all this is because I want you to know that a person with no abilities is bound to be played by fate,"

"Fortunately, I have the ability to protect you and our little family," Yigol said.

Suri couldn't help but roll her eyes, "Here you go again, that's what you really wanted to say, right? You love to blow your own horn. I've never met anyone as narcissistic as you."

"Wifey, I'm just telling the truth, okay? I want to assure you that I'm here to protect you, no matter what. So you can do whatever you want, without any hesitation," Yigol responded.

He said this because he believed that Suri had good character and wouldn't mess around unless someone provoked her. She was not the type to stir up trouble.