Chapter 317: There Will Definitely Be a Way

"Don't worry, we're not afraid, your sister is here."

She could only say these words while crying.

At the beginning, when she experienced these things, she couldn't sleep at night. Once she fell asleep, those things would haunt her dreams and torture her constantly.

But later on, she gradually got used to it.

Mainly because she saw her younger sisters so pitiful, she didn't want to show her vulnerable side and wanted to be strong for them, to protect them.

So now she tries her best not to indulge in those sad emotions but to comfort her sisters constantly, telling them that everything will pass eventually.

Although she knows that solving this problem is beyond their abilities, and they need to rely on some external help.

But she doesn't believe the world will abandon them without even giving them the slightest chance.

So at this moment, she hopes the older siblings they met today can help them solve the problem and leave this miserable place.