Chapter 329: Unequal Money

Yigol Novak hadn't anticipated that Suri Drew would get up to leave.

He paused slightly, then hurriedly moved forward to step behind Suri.

He originally wanted to say something, but the moment he caught up with her, he noticed Suri throw him a glance.

Even though neither of them spoke, from that glance alone, Yigol knew what Suri was intending.

Therefore, at that moment, he blinked in a way that indicated he understood.

On the other hand, Suri demonstrated extreme anger as she stormed out of there.

Yigol, on the other hand, put on a show of trying to stop her from leaving.

He quickly blurted out a few lines:

"All right babe, don't be mad anymore, okay, let's not get too worked up."

"Oh babe, let it go, huh?"

He was embodying every bit of the "scared of his wife" stereotype.

However, Suri didn't react to him at all and briskly left.