Chapter 3: Planning and Decisions_1

Upon hearing the voice on the phone, Dong Tianyu realized that he was supposed to be at work at this time.

Dong Tianyu worked for a subsidiary of the Pengcheng Seismological Bureau, where his role was earthquake warning.

While it seemed like an important job, it mainly involved monitoring equipment or, more accurately, playing games in the equipment room.

If an earthquake occurred, the equipment would emit a shrill alarm, so as long as someone was in the room at any time, it didn't matter whether they were playing games or sleeping - just as long as it wasn't left unattended.

The usual work arrangement was three shifts a day, with three people working for eight hours each.

However, the job was quite leisurely, with only a fixed work sheet to be filled out each day and practically no other tasks.

Once they got to know each other, they gradually switched from three shifts a day to one person working for one whole day, and then it eventually became a system where one person worked five days straight and then had ten days off.

The office only asked that someone be present in the monitoring room 24 hours a day, so they turned a blind eye to this makeshift shift schedule.

However, with the end of the world just a few years away, who had the heart to work?

Dong Tianyu considered resigning, but given that the monitoring room was usually empty and serene, he decided to stay.

He immediately apologized to the person on the phone, saying he had overslept and would come in right away.

Once he arrived at the office, he managed to get off the hook by treating his colleagues to a lavish meal.

Sitting in the chair in the monitoring room, Dong Tianyu began to think about what he should do next.

The first thing was to sell off the digital currency he held to secure start-up funding, and then spend that money to establish a private sanctuary.

As long as he was well-prepared, it would be better to seek refuge at the first sign of disaster or wait until the perpetual night came to take refuge, rather than letting the money in the bank slowly turn into worthless paper.

The second step was to decide whether to stay in Pengcheng or move to another city.

Although he didn't know why all electronic devices would fail before the arrival of the impending ice age, human potential was limitless, and communication between various cities had been restored before the flood arrived.

When the flood came, although all the coastal cities were inundated by floodwaters and the cities were submerged, the actual casualties were not too severe.

Not to mention the prosperous coastal cities, even in more underdeveloped areas, local people tied many ships together, forming a moving island, much like the iron-chain connection documented in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Despite the coastal cities being flooded, humans found new refuges.

The northwest region, which was perennially short of water, not only suffered little damage from the flood, but it also solved their water scarcity problem.

It's just a pity that the subsequent heat wave returned it to its original state.

So in Dong Tianyu's plan, there were only two cities where he could establish a refuge.

One was Kyoto. No need to elaborate as the caption 'capital city' speaks volumes.

If cities were considered as children in a household, then Kyoto, undoubtedly, was the eldest legitimate son.

No matter how much benefits the parents bestowed upon the other children, the best would always belong to the eldest legitimate son.

The second choice was to establish a refuge in Pengcheng. There were many advantages to this: familiarity with the environment, cheap land prices, and established relationships to simplify the processing of various procedures.

Faced with this difficult choice, Dong Tianyu weighed the pros and cons of the two options.

In terms of natural disaster safety, Kyoto was the first choice.

But in terms of relationships, the clear choice was Pengcheng.

In terms of the cost of establishing a refuge, Pengcheng offered a better cost-performance ratio.

As for the speed and quality of constructing a refuge, Kyoto definitely had an advantage, but as long as one was willing to spend the money, the gap between the two places wasn't large.

As for the procurement of supplies for the refuge, the difference between the two places wasn't too big since the country was still in a state of peace and prosperity.

Eventually, Dong Tianyu concluded that building a refuge in Pengcheng would allow him to draw from his experiences in his previous life.

Even though the natural disasters in Kyoto would be the same, he was not familiar with the crisis response measures of the officials there. In the end, Dong Tianyu chose to build his refuge in Pengcheng.

Having decided on the city for his refuge, the next step was to choose the location.

Basing on his experiences from his previous life, the first disaster to appear should have been the electromagnetic pulse. There were many ways to resist this kind of disaster, and the previous life's severe impact was due to the suddenness of the event and the lack of preparation.

The methods to defend against this were varied and could be as simple as turning off the device, applying anti-interference coatings, and worst-case scenario, wrapping the equipment in tin foil was also somewhat effective.

The second wave of disaster was the severe cold, with temperatures potentially dropping to minus one hundred degrees Celsius.

Although this temperature could instantly freeze a person into a popsicle, the drop in temperature would not be instantaneous. By following the crisis response methods of the authorities in his previous life, a refuge could be established underground to safely wait it out.

The third wave of the flood could be tackled rather simply - by preparing boats in advance.

The fourth wave of heat and the fifth wave of perpetual darkness could both be endured in the pre-prepared underground refuge.

As Dong Tianyu was considering where to rent land to build his refuge, his eyes glanced upon the monitor. Upon seeing a map displayed on it, a new idea struck him.

An ideal refuge with a natural insulating effect didn't necessarily have to be built underground - it could be built elsewhere and still have a natural insulating effect.

With this in mind, Dong Tianyu used a process of elimination to find the suitable location for his refuge.

Dragon Mountain: As a famous tourist spot in Pengcheng, and one of its key attractions, even the more remote areas of this extensive mountain range could not be leased and transformed for individual use, so this location could be ruled out.

Black Tortoise Mountain: If it could be contracted by an individual and get past some scruples, it would be actually very convenient to expand the tombs here and set up a refuge. Unfortunately, like Dragon Mountain, this was also a tourist spot.

Water Hill: This was not a tourist spot, but it had already been leased by others and transformed into a park. Without strong connections, it would take a substantial sum to acquire it, so its cost-performance ratio was low.

Swallow Mountain: There were already residential communities built on this mountain, and air-raid shelters were built inside the mountain. Although he didn't have a clear understanding, he suspected that this place was the relocation point set up by the authorities when a disaster happened, so this location could also be eliminated.


The number of available mountains surrounding Pengcheng for consideration were few, and Dong Tianyu did not want to build his refuge in a remote area.

His listless eyes were scanning the screen absentmindedly, a flash of enlightenment hit him when a particular location came to mind.

Lone Mountain, also known as Nameless Mountain. This place was very close to the city center and transportation was very convenient.

The reason he thought of this place was because he had an unforgettable experience when he visited it before, which made a deep impression on him.