Chapter 8 Prepared (Seek Collection) _1

After attempting to use the Primary Absorption ability, Dong Tianyu realized that even when compared to Shadow Space and Transformation, Primary Absorption could still be considered a core ability.

Although it's unclear how the technological and biological sides are upgraded, for the Cave Mansion, it's not so much an upgrade as it is growth.

After owning a Cave Mansion, Dong Tianyu also understood the upgrade path of the Cave Mansion.

Small Cave Mansion - Medium Cave Mansion - Large Cave Mansion.

Small Cave - Medium Cave - Large Cave - Cave Paradise. But Cave Paradise isn't the final form.

If you want to evolve the Cave Mansion to its final form, you must have an array of things in the Cave Mansion just like the outside world.

It can be said that the Primary Absorption ability is a key ability for the upgrade of the Cave Mansion.

Moreover, although the name suggests that it is a Primary Absorption, its usefulness is not at all primary.

Just now, Dong Tianyu was shocked to discover that the things absorbed by this ability, which the Shadow Space couldn't store, were broken down into nutrients that the Cave Mansion could readily absorb.

Take the reserved diesel and gasoline for example. Not only were they absorbed by the Cave Mansion just now, but even the oil drums that stored them were absorbed as well.

These fuels were absorbed and stored underground by small earth veins, and the iron barrels that held them were also transformed into ores and absorbed by the earth veins.

After noticing this situation, Dong Tianyu took out half of the raw materials stored in the Shadow Space and absorbed them.

Once all these raw materials were absorbed, Dong Tianyu felt some changes in the Cave Mansion. Although he couldn't pinpoint the exact changes at the moment, he definitively sensed a difference from before.

Although theoretically he converted the technology-based Refuge Center into the mysterious Cave Mansion, in reality, for Dong Tianyu, this is simply a refuge after the disaster strikes.

However, since it has morphed into a mysterious Cave Mansion, the original plans need to be revised.

A 50*50 area seems large, but in essence, it's just a bit over four acres.

Some people might say that four acres for one person is quite spacious, but considering long-term survival, four acres is really marginal.

Housing actually takes up optional space; the main focus should be on planting and breeding.

Right now, to put it nicely, it's a mysterious Cave Mansion, but in a disparaging way, it's just a cave.

Although this place has two characteristics and one ability, apart from storage, they're not very beneficial for either cultivation or planting.

All the electronic lighting devices in the Refuge Center were transformed into phosphorous stones. The advantage is that there is no need for power and the bulbs won't wear out.

The downside is that the glow of phosphorous stones is not very bright. Even when the brightness is turned up to the highest, the cave's brightness is about the same as the outside at dusk.

It's not just a brightness issue. Previously, the temperature emitted by the light bulbs could be used to raise some ducks and chickens, but now a new breeding facility needs to be set up.

Previously, with the additional four floors, the space in the Refuge Center was plentiful, which allowed Dong Tianyu to generously set up a livestock cultivation section on a whole floor.

In this livestock cultivation section, Dong Tianyu prepared to raise chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cows, and sheep of respective breeds. But in this circumstance, after partitioning the areas, Dong Tianyu could, at most, raise some chickens.

The same goes for cultivation. The previously reserved floor for cultivation space now needs to be replanned.

Just as Dong Tianyu was combing through his thoughts within the cave, the virus quietly struck.

Although the virus suddenly swept across the earth, Da Xia made the right moves in time.

Unfortunately, even though Da Xia, the study commissioner, gave the right answer and created a standard template, other people could not even copy it well, or rather, did not want to copy it.

The test ended amidst the noise and chaos. In this period, Dong Tianyu also exhausted all his savings to enhance the foundation of the Cave Mansion.

Cave Mansion: Peach Blossom Paradise

Cave Mansion Owner: Dong Tianyu

Cave Mansion Level: Small Cave Mansion

Mansion Size: 50*50

Talent characteristics: Transformation, Shadow Space.

Initial ability: Primary Absorption

Earth Vein Level: Small Earth Vein

Earth Vein Characteristics: Stabilization (reduce the impact of earthquakes on the Mansion), Mini Resource Area (each year it can produce various types of ores, with an extremely low probability of energy ore production).

During the virus outbreak, Dong Tianyu simply moved to live in the Refuge Center. Since there were plenty of survival supplies in the Shadow Space, Dong Tianyu, who was not worried about food and drink, moved directly into the Cave Mansion.

After several years of research, Dong Tianyu confirmed that although he directly chose the mystical path, the Cave Mansion does not contain any cultivation-related elements, not even martial arts secret manuals.

Apart from this, Dong Tianyu also figured out the Earth Vein.

The ores that appear in the Earth Vein each year will only be ores that have been absorbed before. It's just like farming; what seeds you sow is what fruit you harvest.

Moreover, after several tests, Dong Tianyu was able to adjust the proportion of ores produced next year by the Earth Vein through the Cave Mansion token.

Of course, if you don't mine the ores newly produced each year, these ores will settle in the earth vein over time and can also increase the level of the earth vein.

Apart from this, during the virus outbreak, Dong Tianyu also learned the whole process of cultivating and breeding in the cave. Although he couldn't say he was an expert, he could certainly claim to be proficient.

For cultivation, Dong Tianyu finally chose various kinds of mushrooms, not to belabor the point. As for leafy greens, Dong Tianyu purchased an indoor farm device.

A built-in sun lamp replaced sunlight, and the smart irrigation system simulated all kinds of weather conditions besides providing water. The mechanical arm had taken the place of hard labor, from fertilizing to insect removal and weeding.

This thing, apart from its expensive sales price and high operating costs, has no other drawbacks.

But these two drawbacks are enough to render this device insignificant. Throwing out the purchase cost, the daily operating cost alone is five to ten times the selling price of the vegetables grown.

This thing is clearly a toy for the amusement of the rich.

Dong Tianyu also purchased a fully automatic animal breeding device, which could at most raise a dozen chickens, but the daily electricity – enough to be more costly than the sale price of the chickens.

However, after spending so much, Dong Tianyu's Refuge Center can be said to have taken shape. Given the current preparation, even if two or three people live in the Refuge Center, they don't have to worry about a decline in their quality of life for five years, or a lack of necessary life supplies for ten years.

Having the Cave Mansion as a backup plan, Dong Tianyu decided to live here when the winter disaster strikes.

As for his parents, it would depend on their thoughts.